ShakeReporter is a small library which make easy for your testers to report bugs. Shake the iDevice, and they will send:
- a screenshot of the current view
- the logs of the current session
- the crash report if a crash has been reported
- the dumped view hierarchy
Add those frameworks to your target:
- QuartzCore
- MessageUI
- CoreVideo
- CoreMedia
- CoreGraphics
- AVFoundation
- Foundation
- AssetsLibrary
- Security
- CFNetwork
- MobileCoreServices
- MessageUI
Copy the library
folder in your project.
Include SRReporter.h
Then, copy this line to start the reporter:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[[SRReporter reporter] startListener]; //this line starts the reporter
return YES;
Navigate to Building Settings > build phase > Compile Sources > Compile all .m files in library
Build settings > Precompile prefix header = Yes
Shake the device when you want to report something. A Mail Composer view will appear with all the information that will be send. The tester can add some explanation, and change the recipient of the email.
Ideally, you want to start the listen when the application becomes active, and stop it when it enters in background: - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application { [[SRReporter reporter] startListener]; }
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
[[SRReporter reporter] stopListener];
You can setup the default email address that should receive the reports:
SRReporter *reporter = [SRReporter reporter];
[reporter setDefaultEmailAddress:@"[email protected]"];
[reporter startListener];
You basically have 2 options. The first one is to record the entire session: #include "SRVideoReporter.h"
SRVideoReporter *reporter = [SRVideoReporter reporter];
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:3000"];
[reporter setApplicationToken:@"token_of_the_application"];
[reporter startListenerConnectedToBackendURL:url];
[reporter startScreenRecorder];
But be careful, the entire video will be recorded on the user's device. That's why we recommend you to set a max duration for the video. To do so, you just have to replace the last line of the previous example by:
// replace [reporter startScreenRecorder]; by
[reporter startScreenRecorderWithMaxDurationPerVideo:30]; //max duration = 30 sec
If you need to add custom information to the reports sent by email, you can do it!
[reporter setCustomInformationBlock:^NSString *{
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Application: Sample Application, User: Jayztemplier, Device Name: %@", [[UIDevice currentDevice] name]];
The block has to return a string which will be inserted in the additionalInformation.log file.
You can also use Shake Report with a backend. And guess what!? It's open source too!
To send the reports to the server, setup the listener like that:
SRReporter *reporter = [SRReporter reporter];
// Send data to a Server instead of displaying the mail composer
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:3000/reports.json"];
[reporter startListenerConnectedToBackendURL:url];
If you backend requires to provide an application token, you have to setup the reporter:
[reporter setApplicationToken:@"token_of_the_application"];
[[SRReporter reporter] displayReportComposer];
[reporter setDisplayReportComposerWhenShakeDevice:NO];
- with screen capture enable, the second report does not contain the video.
SRReport is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info
I would like to mention AFNetworking, super useful HTTP library. I used it to create the http request that upload the video to the SRReport backend. I explicitely renamed AFHTTPClient in SRHTTPClient to allow users to use AFNetworking v2 or v1.x without having any conflict with SRReport