Releases: PRIMAVERA-H2020/cmip6-cmor-tables
Version 01.00.23
This is the same as release 01.00.23 but re-released so that a DOI is applied to it.
Version 01.00.23
This is to update the tables to CMIP6 data request version 01.00.23 and will work with CMOR version 3.3. No changes have been made to the PRIMAVERA specific tables' contents, but their headers have been made consistent with the CMIP6 tables' headers.
Version 01.00.13a
The PRIMAVERA data request has been updated to match v01.00.13 of the CMIP6 data request. The changes made are described at:
These mappings match the data request at:
CMOR version 3.2.4 will generate warnings about "formula entry" with this version of the tables. To fix this in CMOR 3.2.4 you should change in your local copy of your CMIP6_formula_terms.json
and the identical PRIMAVERA_formula_terms.json
line 2 from:
"formula_entry": {
"variable_entry": {
Version 1.00.07g
Added two variables to PrimOday that some groups cannot produce at 6hr.
Version 1.00.07f
ECMWF will produce some variables at a 6 hour frequency instead of 3 hour. This adds these variables to the data request in the 6 hour PRIMAVERA specific tables.
Version 1.00.07e
Set climatology on appropriate time dimensions as will be done in version 01.00.11 of the CMIP6 tables as per PCMDI#67.
Version 1.00.07d
Re-added the 1hr frequency to the controlled vocabulary as it was lost in a previous update.
Version 1.00.07c
Re-add the PRIMAVERA mip_era to the controlled vocabulary as it was lost in a previous update.
Version 1.00.07b
In table PrimSIday the cmor variable name siacrossline was changed to simassacrossline to be consistent with table SImon. Only MPI intend to produce this variable and they suggested the change.
Version 1.00.07
The PRIMAVERA data request has been updated to match v1.00.07 of the CMIP6 data request. The changes made are described at:
These mappings match the data request at: