Utilities for working with XY graphs and Intensity graphs in LabVIEW.
- VIs are contained in the class graph_utilities.lvclass
- Many low level VIs are basically wrappers for property nodes to modify, for example, graph labels.
- High level VIs will convert back and forth between Intensity Graphs and XY Graphs. Note: these operate directly on the graph object by reference
- Also functions are provided to take linecuts of an Intensity Graph with a defined width
Download and install using the VI Package Manager as described here
Video tutorial here
YouTube: 1
- Drop a graph control onto the front panel
- Right click on the graph and choose “Create: Reference”
- Now you have a graph reference
Call “Write Intensity Graph.vi” and “Write XY Graph.vi” to put the graph reference onto the Graph Utilities class wire
Write Intensity Graph ref.vi: Write control references to the class wire.
- "Intensity Graph" is the normal target for reading and writing.
- "Intensity Graph (Control)" is only used to read the cursor position of the "Control" Intensity Graph.
Write XY Graph ref.vi: Write control references to the class wire.
- "XY Graph" is the normal target for reading and writing.
- "XY Graph (Control)" is reserved for future use.
Primitives for working with Intensity Graphs.
- Get/Set Intensity Graph Value.vi
- Get/Set Intensity Graph X Label.vi
- Get/Set Intensity Graph Y Label.vi
- Get/Set Intensity Graph Z Label.vi
- Get/Set Intensity Graph X Scale.vi
- Get/Set Intensity Graph Y Scale.vi
- Set Intensity Graph Z Color.vi
- Get Intensity Graph Cursor (Control).vi
- Set Intensity Graph Cursor.vi
Primitives for working with XY Graphs.
- Get/Set XY Graph Value.vi
- Get/Set XY Graph X Label.vi
- Get/Set XY Graph Y Label.vi
- Get/Set XY Graph X Mapping.vi
- Get/Set XY Graph Y Mapping.vi
- Get/Set XY Graph Plot Names.vi
- Set XY Graph Plot Colors.vi
- Offset XY graph.vi
Basically Macros. For example:
- Convert an XY Graph into a an Intensity Graph. And vice versa.
- Also easily take vertical and horzontal linecuts (with width!) of an Intensity Graph.
- Intensity Graph Linecut (Horizontal).vi
- Intensity Graph Linecut (Vertical).vi
- Intensity Graph to XY Graph (Horizontal).vi
- Intensity Graph to XY Graph (Vertical).vi
- XY Graph to Intensity Graph.vi
- Array to Offset and Multiplier.vi
- Create Color Table.vi
- Normalized Gaussian.vi
- Offset and Multiplier to Array.vi
- Variant to 2D Array.vi
- Variant to XY-Data.vi
- Intensity Graph to XY Graph Example.vi: Stand alone VI for converting an Intensity Graph in XY plots. Converts both horizontally and vertically.
- Linecut Example.vi: Stand alone VI for taking linecuts of an Intensity Graph. This VI uses one Intensity Graph as a cursor control and another Intensity Graph as a cursor target
Please contact Patrick Irvin