Package topogrid contains implementations of basic power grid algorithms based on the grid topology. We use three main things - node, edge and equipment. Each power equipment can be represented as a topological node or edge. The wonderful library is used to represent the graph.
- Edge: A link between two nodes. From the point of view of electrical network equipment, edge can imagine circuit breakers, disconnectors, power transformers, earthing switches, etc. All electrical network equipment with more than one terminal.
- Node: The name for any single junction. Nodes are connected to one another by edges. E.g. power supply, DERs, Consumer transformer substations, ground (earth) etc.
- Terminal: The endpoint of a power grid equipment, represented by node.
- FSW - feeder switch
- REC - recloser (Automatic circuit breaker with reclosing function)
- DS - disconnect switch
- TS - transformer substation (consumer)
- SW - switch (SW10 - bus coupler circuit breaker)
The power system topology is stored in the database as a set of tables.
type EquipmentStruct struct {
id int
typeId int
name string
electricalState uint8
poweredBy map[int]int64
switchState int
type NodeStruct struct {
idx int
id int
equipmentId int
electricalState uint8
type TerminalStruct struct {
node1Id int
node2Id int
numberOfSwitches int64
type EdgeStruct struct {
idx int
id int
equipmentId int
terminal TerminalStruct
topology := topogrid.New(len(nodes))
for _, node := range nodes {
for _, edge := range edges {
err := topology.AddEdge(edge.Id,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("%v", err)
Returns a string with node name from the equipment id
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) EquipmentNameByEquipmentId(equipmentId int) string
Returns a string with node name from the node index
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) EquipmentNameByNodeIdx(idx int) string
Returns a string with node name from the node id
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) EquipmentNameByNodeId(id int) string
Returns a string with node names separated by ',' from an array of node ids
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) EquipmentNameByNodeIdArray(idArray []int) string
Returns a string with node name from the node index
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) EquipmentNameByEdgeIdx(idx int) string
Returns a string with node name from the node id
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) EquipmentNameByEdgeId(id int) string
Returns a string with node names separated by ',' from an array of node ids
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) EquipmentNameByEdgeIdArray(idArray []int) string
Returns equipment identifier by corresponded edge id
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) EquipmentIdByEdgeId(edgeId int) (int, error)
Set switchState field and changes current topology graph
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) SetSwitchStateByEquipmentId(equipmentId int, switchState int) error
Add node to grid topology
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) AddNode(id int, equipmentId int, equipmentTypeId int, equipmentName string)
Add edge to grid topology
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) AddEdge(id int, terminal1 int, terminal2 int, state int, equipmentId int, equipmentTypeId int, equipmentName string) error
Get an array of nodes id with the type of equipment "TypePower" from which the specified node is powered with the current 'switchState' (On/Off) of the circuit breakers
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) NodeIsPoweredBy(nodeId int) ([]int, error)
for _, node := range nodes {
poweredBy, err := topology.NodeIsPoweredBy(node.Id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("%v", err)
log.Debugf("%d:%s <- %v:%s", node.Id, topology.EquipmentNameByNodeId(node.Id), poweredBy, topology.EquipmentNameByNodeIdArray(poweredBy))
Get an array of nodes id with the type of equipment "Power", from which the specified node can be powered regardless of the current 'switchState' (On/Off) of the circuit breakers
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) NodeCanBePoweredBy(nodeId int) ([]int, error)
for _, node := range nodes {
poweredBy, err := topology.NodeCanBePoweredBy(node.Id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("%v", err)
log.Debugf("%d:%s <- %v:%s", node.Id, topology.EquipmentNameByNodeId(node.Id), poweredBy, topology.EquipmentNameByNodeIdArray(poweredBy))
Get an array of IDs of circuit breakers next to the node. If we need to isolate some area of the electrical network, we need to find all circuit breakers near a node in that area.
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) GetCircuitBreakersEdgeIdsNextToNode(nodeId int) ([]int, error)
for _, node := range nodes {
nextTo, err := topology.CircuitBreakersNextToNode(node.Id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("%v", err)
log.Debugf("%d:%s <- %v:%s", node.Id, topology.EquipmentNameByNodeId(node.Id), poweredBy, topology.EquipmentNameByNodeIdArray(nextTo))
Traverses current graph in breadth-first order starting at nodeStart
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) BfsFromNodeId(nodeIdStart int) []TerminalStruct
Returns a string with a graph represented by the graph modeling language
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) GetAsGraphMl() string
Set electrical states for equipment. Use this method to set colors on your single line diagram (SLD).
// Equipment electrical states
const (
StateIsolated uint8 = 0x00
StateEnergized uint8 = 0x01
StateGrounded uint8 = 0x02
StateOvercurrent uint8 = 0x04
StateFault uint8 = 0x08
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) SetEquipmentElectricalState()
Copy equipment switch state frim one topogrid object to this
func (t *TopologyGridStruct) CopyEquipmentSwitchState(from *TopologyGridStruct) error