- Quick and easy access to interact with Sync-Gateway documents.
- More features implimented.
View, Edit, Remove, Save, Downlaod, Search
- User Friendly.
- Installation
- Run the project
- Stop the project
- Stop all running containers
- Run test coverage
- Dependencies
- Details
- View Mode
- Edit Mode
- Contributing
- Personal Usage
- License
yarn install
yarn start
ctr + c
and then
yarn run docker-down
This script will stop all running docker containers in case Couchbase/Sync-Gateway ports are being used somewhere else on your machine. You can run this script if the App won't start!
yarn run cover
- Langage: React-Redux.
- Frameworks: Material-UI
Docker Compose manages running Sync-Gateway and Couchbase Server locally.
The data will be populated once the docker container finishes uploading the "beer-sample" bucket. The first time it runs, it takes ~50 seconds to run the docker script and upload ~7000 documents. The progress bar is set for ~55 sec to ensure all documents are uploaded.
- Shows a list of documents ID's
- Ability to
view, edit, remove, download
a document from Sync-Gateway - Ability to search for a specific document
- Ability to save the changes into Sync-Gateway
All contributions and suggestions are welcome!
For suggested improvements, please file an issue.
For direct contributions, please fork the repository and file a pull request. If you have never created a pull request, watch these quick tutorials here.
- Fork it (https://github.com/PacificGasAndElectric/SlipCover/fork)
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/fooBar
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/fooBar
) - Create a new Pull Request
If you want to use this project with your own Sync-Gateway:
- modify
to add your own buckets.
bucket: ['beer-sample'],
- Modify
to change your end point.
- Remove the scripts from
"prestart": "docker-compose up --build -d",
"docker-down": "docker-compose down",
- Bear in mind that the default behavior of fetch is to ignore the Set-Cookie header completely. To opt into accepting cookies from the server, you must use the credentials option.
For CORS requests, use the "include" value to allow sending credentials to other domains:
fetch('https://example.com:1234/users', {
credentials: 'include'