I have attempted to create the best possible Mouseless Development Environment for myself. Most (non-Linux-specific) dotfiles are also compatible with Mac based on my testing1, though some integrations may require additional setup.
My Dotfiles are managed with Chezmoi , making them easy to install, update, and maintain across systems.
I am currently in love with Folke's Tokyo Night Color Scheme, so most of my configurations, when applicable, will include a Tokyo Night theme.
- Almost fully mouseless Hyprland configuration and theming
- Waybar configuration and theming
- Fully custom ZSH environment utilizing Antidote, pure prompt, zsh-completions, zsh-autosuggestions, fast-syntax-highlighting, zsh-history-substring-search, and custom scripts
- View the README
- Nvim config utilizing NVChad with a significant amount of personal tweaks and plugins
- View the README
- Tmux configurations utilizing TPM and various Tmux plugins. Custom mappings and leader keys
- View the README
- Basic Wezterm configuration and theming
- Rofi launcher customizations and theming
- Bat theming
- View the README
- Catnip configuration and theming
- Zellij temporary configuration (was buggy so I switched back to Tmux, but wanted to leave config in case I try it again)
- Other miscellaneous configurations and tweaks
Please check the NOTICE section before continuing.
Tool specific dependencies can be found in the tool's README.
Feel free to take inspiration from my Dotfiles, but I am not liable if they do not work on your system as they do on mine. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to open an issue or pull request!
My linux desktop is my primary workstation, but I do also "daily-drive" a Macbook Air for school and on-the-go development. ↩