This project aims to turn the Raspberry Pi Pico into an USB Host Adapter to control each Digital Input/Output.
Commands on USB are based on:
- SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
- Protobuf From Google
The USB class used is CDC, it means that you can open it as a serial port.
You must then prepare a Protobuf message with the given specification:
Finally encode the message with SLIP then send it on the serial port.
For example to set the pin 2 to OUTPUT (by default pins are in INPUT)
message PicohaDioRequest {
RequestType type = 1; => SET_PIN_DIRECTION OUTPUT
uint32 pin_num = 2; 2
PinValue value = 3; => OUTPUT
The board should respond with
message PicohaDioAnswer {
AnswerType type = 1; => SUCCESS
optional PinValue value = 2;
optional string error_message = 3;