This release contains significant performance improvements as well as new tools useful for somatic variant calling, and high-speed calling of targeted regions.
- High-speed calling of targeted regions is now possible
- New command-line utility: gridss.ExtractFullReads
- New command-line utility: gridss.IndexedExtractFullReads
- Added gridss_targeted.sh example script
- New command-line utility: gridss.GeneratePonBedpe
- Used to generate a reference panel of normals for GRIDSS somatic calling.
- The Hartwig Medical Foundation has released a comprehensive hg19 GRIDSS PON based on almost 4000 WGS tumour/normal samples. It can be found at https://resources.hartwigmedicalfoundation.nl
- Increased default minimum read mapq from 10 to 20.
- This results in a lower FDR but fewer calls in questionable regions of the genome
- #191 Removed trailing space in header due to warning message in perl VCF parsing library
- #189 Using unclipped start/end to determine max mapped read length
- Build script has been switched to maven shade to enable direct inclusion of htsjdk and picard patches
- Improved runtime performance through improved parallelism
- Direct inclusion of htsjdk#1264, and htsjdk#1249
- Tweaked default assembly configuration parameters
- Including picard tools patch that enable asynchronous read and parallel processing of GRIDSS and picard tools metrics