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Jevgeni Kiski edited this page Dec 18, 2019 · 22 revisions


Start from picking a connection method

Advanced configuration

See config/pai.conf.example for all configuration options.

Configuration file should be placed in one of these locations:

  • /etc/pai/pai.conf
  • /usr/local/etc/pai/pai.conf
  • ~/.local/etc/pai.conf

EVO specifics

As project was initially designed for SP/MG panels. EVO panels require some configuration fine tuning.

Set these settings

STATUS_REQUESTS = list(range(1, 6))


If you use Serial connection you need to set SERIAL_BAUD:

SERIAL_BAUD = 38400 # or 57600 if you have changed default setting in Babyware

Improving performance

By default PAI will download ALL zones, users, doors, pgms, partitions and will keep track and post updates of all these assets to your integration/interface. This is a large amount of extra data.

It is recommended to narrow this down and specify only assets you want to monitor.

All examples that are possible are listed here:

    'zone': list(range(1, 18)) + list(range(30,33)) + [40],     # Zones to monitor and control (1-17,30-32,40)
    'user': range(1, 7),     # Users to consider (1-6)
    'door': [],               # Doors to consider (none)
    'pgm': range(1, 6),    # Outputs to monitor and control (1-5)
    'partition': [1,2,4,7,8], # Partitions to monitor and control (1,2,4,7,8)
    'bus-module': [],         # Buses to monitor (none)
    'key-switch': [] (none)

In dev branch PAI with EVO's automatically pick enabled partitions and zones if LIMITS['zone'] and LIMITS['partition'] is not defined.