This tool can parse CoreNLP sentimentTree
pip install -r requirements.txt
import json
import corenlp_sentiment_tree_parser
from pycorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP
# get the sentimentTree for a text
corenlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost:9000')
text = 'Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming.'
res = corenlp.annotate(text,
properties={'annotators': 'sentiment',
'outputFormat': 'json',
'timeout': 50000,
# ensure that the response is parsed
res_json = json.loads(res)
# select the first sentence
sentence = res_json['sentences'][0]
# select the sentimentTree
sentiment_tree_string = sentence['sentimentTree']
# or if you have the sentimentTree already
sentiment_tree_string = """
(NP|sentiment=2|prob=0.671 (NP|sentiment=2|prob=0.995 Those)
(SBAR|sentiment=1|prob=0.698 (WHNP|sentiment=2|prob=0.994 who)
(S|sentiment=1|prob=0.692 (VBP|sentiment=2|prob=0.995 find)
(NP|sentiment=1|prob=0.736 (JJ|sentiment=1|prob=0.864 ugly) (NNS|sentiment=2|prob=0.631 meanings))
(PP|sentiment=3|prob=0.483 (IN|sentiment=2|prob=0.993 in)
(NP|sentiment=3|prob=0.545 (JJ|sentiment=4|prob=0.914 beautiful) (NNS|sentiment=2|prob=0.992 things)))))))
(VP|sentiment=2|prob=0.701 (VBP|sentiment=2|prob=0.992 are)
(ADJP|sentiment=2|prob=0.642 (JJ|sentiment=1|prob=0.426 corrupt)
(PP|sentiment=2|prob=0.575 (IN|sentiment=2|prob=0.973 without)
(S|sentiment=2|prob=0.483 (VBG|sentiment=2|prob=0.996 being) (ADJP|sentiment=4|prob=0.849 charming)))))
(.|sentiment=2|prob=0.997 .)))"""
# parse the sentimentTree string
parsed = corenlp_sentiment_tree_parser.parse_sentiment_string(sentiment_tree_string)
# save it in a json file (see the file attached)
with open('output_example.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(parsed, f, indent=2)
# convert the data structure to d3
d3_tree = corenlp_sentiment_tree_parser.d3_visit_node(parsed)
# to visualise without a file server, it is necessary to load a js file which contains a variable with inside the tree data
tree_data_str = f'treeData = {json.dumps(d3_tree, indent=2)}'
# this file is saved
with open('tree_data_example.js', 'w') as f:
# afterwards, you can open the file d3_example.html which loads the created .js file
This will generate the following image