LightChain is a tiny library to connect components in complex NLP tasks, designed for research and compatibility with literally anything.
pip install --upgrade git+
Use our AutoPrompt, which extracts your arguments and allows for the convenient passing of multiple examples.
from lightchain import AutoPrompt
prompt = AutoPrompt.from_string('You are a helpful assistant \n Write a response which answers the question \n Question: {question} \n Response:')
value = prompt(question="Do you think most prompting libraries are over-engineered?")
Here are some of the powerful uses of LightChain.
We have two main abstractions in Lightchain. Chains are composed of Links. A Link is always defined explicitly, whereas a Chain is generally implicit.
- Link: An atomic component of a system, its internals may be accessed but generally will only use call
- Chain: Multiple links, a chain can mix sequential and branching components to model any desired behaviour
Links are defined in two ways:
- Subclassing 'Link': When directly inheriting from Link, you have to overload the 'logic' function. This will allow LightChain to infer signatures and appropriately build your chain
- Using the @chainable decorator: This decorator allows anything that can be called to be used in a chain. This decorator optionally takes in a call attribute, which should be the underlying method to receive input in the chain. Logic is then implemented for you, and the signature of the Link is determined by the signature of the call attribute (call by default)
A chain is many connected links; crucially, they do not have to be sequential. We overload the '>>' operator to link chains sequentially and the '|' operator to branch to multiple links.
Let's turn a HuggingFace model into a Link.
from lightchain import chainable, AutoPrompt
from transformers import pipeline
model_link = chainable(pipeline)
MODEL_ID = 'meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf'
llama = model_link(model=MODEL_ID, model_kwargs={'device_map':'auto'}) # If you need to add generation kwargs use functools.partial
prompt = AutoPrompt.from_string('You are a helpful assistant \n Write a response which answers the question \n Question: {question} \n Response:')
chain = prompt >> llama
output = chain(question="Do you think most prompting libraries are over-engineered?")
Now, let's take that previous pipeline and make it use RAG. We will explicitly define a link as we are going to interface with a more complex API (The wonderful PyTerrier)
from lightchain import Link
from typing import List, Tuple
import pyterrier as pt
if not pt.started(): pt.init()
import pandas as pd
from pyterrier import BatchRetrieve
prompt = AutoPrompt.from_string('You are a helpful assistant \n Write a response which answers the question given the context \n Question: {question} \n Context: {context} \n Response:')
@chainable(call='search', name='BM25', description='A Lexical Model')
class BM25:
def __init__(dataset : str, num_results : int = 10, text_attr : str = 'body'):
text_ref = pt.get_dataset(dataset)
self.transformer = pt.BatchRetrieve.from_dataset(dataset, "terrier_stemmed", wmodel="BM25") % num_results >> pt.text.get_text(text_ref, text_attr)
def search(question : Tuple[List[str], str]) -> Tuple[List[str], str]:
# Let's keep it simple and return the full string
if isinstance(text, list):
frame = pd.DataFrame({'qid' : [*range(len(text))], 'query' : text})
docs = self.transformer(frame)
context = docs.groupby('qid')['text'].agg(lambda x: ' '.join(x)).text.tolist()
else: # assumes string
docs =
context = ''.join(docs.text.tolist())
return {'question' : text, 'context' : context}
bm25 = BM25('msmarco_passage')
# Using our classes from before
chain = BM25 >> prompt >> llama
output = chain(question="Do you think most prompting libraries are over-engineered?")
Let's say we want to assess our RAG setup with a different model e.g. Mistral-7B, whilst also getting Llama output.
MODEL_ID = 'mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1'
mistral = model_link(model=MODEL_ID, model_kwargs={'device_map':'auto'})
chain = bm25 >> prompt >> (mistral | llama)