Ansible role which manage iptables
THe role variables and default values.
iptables_enabled: true # The role is enabled
iptables_allow_icmp: true # configure the rules to allow ICMP ping
iptables_enable_nat: false # enable NAT rule set
iptables_allow_ntp: false # configure the rules to allow NPT traffic
iptables_logging: true # Log dropped packets
iptables_deny_all : true # deny all except allowed
iptables_allowed_tcp_ports: [22, 25, 80, 443] # List of allowed tcp ports
iptables_forwarded_tcp_ports: [] # Forward tcp ports
# Ex. iptables_forwarded_tcp_ports:
# - { from: 22, to: 2222 }
iptables_allowed_docker_tcp_ports: [] #Internal docker ports to allow access from off the host.
iptables_allowed_udp_ports: [] # List of allowed udp ports
iptables_forwarded_udp_ports: [] # Ex. iptables_forwarded_udp_ports:
# - { from: 22, to: 2222 }
iptables_raw_rules: [] # List of raw rules
# Ex. iptables_raw_rules:
# - -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
# - -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
Add iptables
to your roles and setup the variables in your playbook file.
- hosts: all
- iptables
iptables_allowed_tcp_ports: [22]
- {from: 22, to: 2222}
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