Atlassian Instance health is used to check your application for known issues.
Have dropped time
because of cardinality.
is used for the metric value (bool to float)
Dropped healthy
as it matches isHealthy
docker build . -t atlassian_instance_health_exporter
List Help
docker run -it --rm atlassian_instance_health_exporter -help
Simple run
docker run -it --rm -p 9998:9998 atlassian_instance_health_exporter -app.token='' -app.fqdn=""
Run with difference port
docker run -it --rm -p 6060:6060 atlassian_instance_health_exporter -app.token='' -app.fqdn="" -svc.port=6060
Run with debug and color logrus
docker run -it --rm -p 9998:9998 atlassian_instance_health_exporter -app.token='' -app.fqdn="" -debug -enable-color-logs
curl -u 'username:password' https://<jira-baseurl>/rest/troubleshooting/1.0/check/
"id": 0,
"completeKey": "com.atlassian.jira.plugins.jira-healthcheck-plugin:eolHealthCheck",
"name": "End of Life",
"description": "Checks if the running version of JIRA is approaching, or has reached End of Life.",
"isHealthy": true,
"failureReason": "JIRA version 7.3.x has not reached End of Life. This version will reach End of Life in 722 days.",
"application": "JIRA",
"time": 1484054268591,
"severity": "undefined",
"documentation": "",
"tag": "Supported Platforms",
"healthy": true
- job_name: "atlassian_instance_health_exporter"
- targets:
- ''
If you receive a 403, most likely the account is not a Confluence or Jira Administrator.
Thank you everyone that writes code and docs!