I create different sorts of applications, starting from simple landing pages ending with web applications
I love Asian kitchen - Tantanmen is my favorite dish, a combination of creamy broth and a nice beef meat is a great mix! 💙
Coding is my passion, I love doing it. Solving technical problems and translating business needs into solutions are things that drive me and give me a lot of energy! 🔥
I am really hard-working man I always try to do my best - there is time for jokes and there is time for a job - this is my motto :)
- OMS 2.0 (Orders management system) - platform for managing orders related to the real estate market
- E-commerce platform for filmmakers
- SaaS: cybersecurity platform for big companies
- Magazine for youths - blog page with interactive elements (books simulator reading)
- Planner for English teachers - a landing page that included internationalization