This is an educational Next.js 15 RC + React 19 project for my colleagues, which highlights concepts of using GraphQL with Appollo client.
Technical stack: Next.js 15, React 19, TypeScript, GraphQL with Apollo Client and public server endpoint, Tailwind, Radix UI, TanStask Virtual.
Homepage queries a public GraphQL service, which returns a list of countries with desired attributes.
Data is presented in a tabular view with multiple attributes including country codes shaped as links.
I also added a navigation item to virtual grid with effects of dynamic infinite scroll.
Click on a country code opens a country page using the standard feature of Next.js dynamic routes like app/[countrycode]/page.tsx
The country page queries the same GraphQL service but this time using the filter by "code" like
query { countries(filter: {code: {eq: "countrycode"}}) { ... } }
If data does not have country name in returned attributes, the logic additionally queries a public REST service supplying the country code to get the name.
Use Appollo Client. More details:
Add two packages npm install @apollo/client graphql
Add the following code to your component
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, ApolloProvider, gql, } from "@apollo/client"; const client = new ApolloClient({ uri: "", // Put here URL of your GraphQL endpoint (server) cache: new InMemoryCache(), }); const queryFilter = '(filter: {currency: {eq: "EUR"}})'; client .query({ query: gql` query { countries${queryFilter} { name: awsRegion capital code continent { code name } currencies currency languages { code name native } phone phones states { code country { name } name } } } `, }) .then((result) => console.log(result));
You can also test simple GraphQL queries locally in the browser's console. For instance:
- Open the site to be compliant with their Content Security Policy directives.
- While staying on the same page, open Dev Tools (by pressing F12 in Chrome) and enter the following code into the console.
fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: `query GetLocations { locations { id name description photo } }`, }), }) .then((r) => r.json()) .then((data) => console.log(data));
The UI adjusts automatically to using a current system theme of user's environment, dark or light.
A combination of loading.tsx + Suspense + fallback Shimmer control highlights usage of lazy server-side data loading.
Also, the server component components/server/ContentHomeCountry.tsx loads dynamically a client side component with disabled SSR.
This technique demonstrates how to solve classic SSR problems with using window and other client side only objects ported from old codebases.
Country page demonstrates usage of Radix UI Themes controls from the package @radix-ui/themes.
Details button visible on the page opens a right-hand side panel, which is made of slightly tweaked Radix UI Dialog.
All page elements support dynamic detection of a system theme change and correctly reflect this change with no page reloading.
For instance, open the right-hand side panel and change system theme from light to dark. The panel should correctly reflect this change.
The logic uses window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)") with change event listener. Please refer to shared/hooks/useSystemDarkMode.ts.
The codebase includes a few useful tailor-made features managed by settings in .env file.
pagecachetimeout=15: demostrates how to persist cache data on all pages for 15 seconds in production builds.
- To show this, the first row in the home page table gets a test value with dynamic Phone property. This data persists for 15 seconds and then gets updated.
showVerticalScrollbar=true: demostrates correct settings of Radix Dialog to suppress undesired UI-layout shifts on opening the right-hand side panel in the browser window with a visible vertical scrollbar.
disableSidePanelLightClosing=true: demostrates how to prevent accidental closing of the right-hand side panel on "mouse click outside" and "ESC key press" events.
CSS styling uses a combination of global.css, Tailwind, and modules to highlight different ways of using styles.
Clone this project.
Review / adjust default settings found in .env
apiKeyGql="for instance, an api key for your GQL endpoint"
pagetitlehome="Next.js 15 with GraphQL/Apollo"
pagedescriptionhome="Example of Next.js 15 app with GraphQL queries via Appollo Client"
pageheader="Next.js 15 app with GraphQL queries via Appollo Client"
pagecachetimeout=15 # seconds, for production builds
Install modules
npm i
Start the dev server
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 and load the home page.