ESP-XToys-custom Public
Simple way to make your own ESP toys for XToys.app with ESPHome platform
xtoys_LS_GW Public
ESP32 Love Spouse XToys MQTT gateway for remote controlling your toys
Arduino project for ESP32 to monitor BLE output of Yunmai scale, parse incoming data, process resistance with Yunmai lib, and send data over MQTT to HomeAssistant.
home-assistant.io Public
Forked from home-assistant/home-assistant.io📘 Home Assistant User documentation
HTML Other UpdatedJan 15, 2023 -
tinytuya Public
Forked from jasonacox/tinytuyaPython API for Tuya WiFi smart devices using a direct local area network (LAN) connection or the cloud (TuyaCloud API).
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 5, 2022 -
tojota Public
Forked from calmjm/tojotaFunctions for interacting with Toyota MyT API
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 2, 2022 -
php-garmin-uploadweight Public
Script to upload weight data to Garmin Cloud. It enables integration with 3rd party Smart Scales.
PHP UpdatedAug 7, 2021 -
yunmai-mqtt Public
Simple scripts to read BLE data from Yunmai Smart Scale and upload it to MQTT
home-assistant-google_fit Public
Forked from cyberjunky/home-assistant-google_fit♥️ This component tracks your Google Fit activities.Python MIT License UpdatedApr 11, 2021 -
scripts Public
Forked from BrodieRobertson/scriptsMessing around with shell scripting because it seems like fun, maybe you'll find something useful
Shell GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 6, 2021 -
LBORU (Load Balancing by Optimizing Resource Utilization) - SDN based Load-balancing solution using SNMP for usage monitoring.
Python UpdatedNov 19, 2020 -
ORIS Public
ORIS - Orijentiring Informacioni Sistem
PHP GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 26, 2019 -
ESP-MQTT-JSON-Digital-LEDs Public
Forked from bruhautomation/ESP-MQTT-JSON-Digital-LEDsESP MQTT Digital LEDs for Home Assistant's MQTT JSON Light Component. Supports flash, fade, transitions, effects, and OTA uploading!
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 16, 2018 -
SDN-IP-Mobility Public
IP (L3) Mobility solution based on SDN technology
home-assistant Public
Forked from home-assistant/core🏡 Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3
TarsosDSP Public
Forked from JorenSix/TarsosDSPA Real-Time Audio Processing Framework in Java
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 29, 2016 -
Jpcap Public
Forked from jsjohnst/JpcapA Java wrapper around libpcap
HTML GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedAug 13, 2014