🔭 What I'm Working On: I’m on an exhilarating journey, diving into the complexities of restructuring a medical image database. It's a challenging yet thrilling endeavor that pushes the boundaries of what we can achieve with data organization and accessibility.
🌱 Currently Learning: Every day is a new opportunity to unravel the mysteries of Image Processing using AI. I'm passionately deepening my understanding and skills, transforming pixel-packed images into meaningful insights!
🤔 Seeking Help: Venturing into the world of medical imaging as a non-medical expert is like decoding a new language. I’m looking for guidance to understand radiology scans better. Any experts willing to bridge the gap between technology and medicine?
💬 Ask Me About: Curious about using nnU-Net for image segmentation? I’m your go-to! From theory to practical implementation, let’s discuss how this powerful tool can advance image analysis.
⚡ Fun Fact: I hold a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master's in Applied Computational Life Sciences. Oh, and meet my biggest supporter, my cat! Always on patrol, ensuring my code is as sleek as a well-groomed whisker. Here’s the bug hunter in action:
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or drop me an email at [email protected]! Let's make the digital world a healthier place, one image at a time!