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Have you ever wondered the accuracy of each player's shooting during a game? Attempting to manually record it would be arduous, as you would need to discern which player took each shot, making the task highly laborious. Besides not everyone has a spare time to watch and analyze a full game match. For these reasons, we have created player's FG tracker using deep learning! :)
In this project, we utilized two models to achieve our aim. The first model is used to detect players, basketball, ring, shooting attempts, and successful shots made, whereas the second model focused on matching a person's identity across different locations in a video. In essence, we employed Object Detection and Person Re-Identification models to accomplish this project. For our object detection model, we used YOLO-NAS-L, which was trained using super-gradients library made by Deci-AI. As for Person Re-Identification, we opted for MobileNetV3 to ensure faster inference speed and a more compact model size.
Faiss is a library created by Meta that enables rapid searching of similarity betweeen multiple vector representations. This library was indispensable for our task as it allowed us to accurately determine and match a person's identity. We initially tested with L2 (Euclidean) distance to measure similarity and obtained good results. Nevertheless, upon further experiments, we discovered that utilizing cosine similarity yielded better outputs. Therefore, we have chosen to adopt cosine similarity as our definitive searching method.
This picture below presents an overview of our project's flow using a diagram. When an input frame is received, it undergoes object detection model, which identifies various entities such as players, basketball, ring, shot attempts and successful shots. Among these, we specifially extract instances of the 'player' class and feed them into the Re-ID model. The Re-ID model then produces embedded vectors representing each person's image. These vectors are added to Faiss, allowing us to obtain top 5 IDs corresponding to each embedded vector. Consequently, we leverage hard voting on these results to obtain the final ID with the highest confidence level.
Models | Dataset1 | Input Dimensions | Epochs | Batch Size (Accumulate) | Optimizer | LR | Loss | Augmentations | F1val 0.5 |
mAPval 0.5 |
YOLO NAS-L | D1 | (1920,1088) | 50 | 8 (64) |
AdamW | 0.00001 | PPYOLOE | Resize Normalize HorizontalFlip |
0.2811 | 0.6485 |
YOLO NAS-L | D2 | (1920,1088) | 215 | 8 (64) |
AdamW | 0.0001 | PPYOLOE | HSV Mosaic RandomAffine HorizontalFlip PaddedRescale Standardize |
0.8709 | 0.9407 |
Models | Dataset2 | Embedded Dimensions | Epochs | Batch Size | Optimizer | LR | Loss | Augmentations | mAPval |
MobileNetV3 | R1 | 1000 | 100 | 64 | AdamW | 0.001 | TripletLoss | Resize Normalize HorizontalFlip |
0.9829 |
MobileVitV2 | R1 | 1000 | 100 | 64 | AdamW | 0.001 | TripletLoss | Resize Normalize HorizontalFlip |
0.9748 |
ConvNextV2-A | R1 | 1000 | 100 | 64 | AdamW | 0.001 | TripletLoss | Resize Normalize HorizontalFlip |
0.9721 |
SqueezeNet | R1 | 1000 | 100 | 64 | AdamW | 0.001 | TripletLoss | Resize Normalize HorizontalFlip |
0.9758 |
MobileNetV3 | R2 | 1000 | 100 | 64 | AdamW | 0.001 | TripletLoss | Resize Normalize HorizontalFlip |
0.8743 |
MobileNetV3 | R2 | 1000 | 100 | 64 | AdamW | 0.001 | QuadrupletLoss | Resize Normalize HorizontalFlip |
0.9782 |
SqueezeNetMod3 | R2 | 1000 | 500 | 64 | AdamW | 0.001 | QuadrupletLoss | Resize Normalize HorizontalFlip |
0.9857 |
MobileNetV3 | R2 | 1000 | 500 | 64 | AdamW | 0.001 | QuadrupletLoss | Resize Normalize HorizontalFlip |
0.9923 |
git clone
cd level3_cv_finalproject-cv-07
conda env create --name <env_name> -f env.yaml
Object Detection Path
Please ensure that the data is organized in the following configuration:
- The actual names of the data files do not impact the training process. However, it is essential that the corresponding json files be named as
. These specific names are necessary to ensure proper functioning during training.
├── data
│ ├── dataset
| | ├── train
| | | ├── <sample1>.jpg
| | | ├── <sample2>.jpg
| | | ...
| | | └── <sample10>.jpg
| | ├── valid
| | | ├── <sample1>.jpg
| | | ├── <sample2>.jpg
| | | ...
| | | └── <sample10>.jpg
| | ├── train.json
| | └── valid.json
│ ├── images
│ └── video
Person Re-Identifcation Path
Please ensure that the data is organized in the following configuration:
- The name of each data entry should be reformatted to a specific format:
. - In this format, the first five numbers represent the ID number of a person and
represents any numerical value.
├── data
│ └── custom_dataset
| ├── gallery
| | ├── <00001_01>.jpg
| | ├── <00001_02>.jpg
| | ├── <00002_01>.jpg
| | ├── <00002_02>.jpg
| | ...
| | └── <00010_2>.jpg
| ├── query
| | ├── <00001_01>.jpg
| | ├── <00001_02>.jpg
| | ├── <00002_01>.jpg
| | ├── <00002_02>.jpg
| | ...
| | └── <00010_2>.jpg
| └── training
| ├── <00001_01>.jpg
| ├── <00001_02>.jpg
| ├── <00002_01>.jpg
| ├── <00002_02>.jpg
| ...
| └── <00010_2>.jpg
Magic Path
Please ensure that the data is organized in the following configuration.
This is the path where you want to store videos to generate final result, as demonstrated at the beginning of this repository.
├── <video1>.mp4
├── <video2>.mp4
cd detection/tools
python3 --exp_name exp1 --input_dim (1920,1088) --epochs 100 --lr 0.0001 --batch_size 8 --optimizer AdamW --num_workers 4 --warmup_initial_lr 0.00001 --lr_warmup_epochs 5 --score_thr 0.8 --nms_thr 0.8 -- metric [email protected] --fp16 True
- --exp_name: experiement directory name. It will appear under
directory. - --input_dim: input dimensions
- --epochs: epoch
- --lr: learning rate
- --batch_size: batch_size
- --optimizer: optimizer
- --num_workers: dataloader num workers
- --warmup_initial_lr: warmup initial learning rate
- --lr_warmup_epochs: learning rate warmup epochs
- --score_thr: score threshold
- --nms_thr: non-max suppression threshold
- --metric: evaluation metric
- --fp16: mixed precision training
cd detection/tools
python3 --image True --video False --file_name image1.png --conf 0.25 --iou 0.35 --model_weight <your_exp_name>/<your_detection_weight>
Both image
and video
cannot be set into True
at the same time!
- --image: inference on image
- --video: inference on video
- --file_name: image/video file to be inferenced
- --conf: confidence threshold
- --iou: iou threshold
- --model_weight: model weight file
cd re_id/tools
python3 --demo False --seed 1 --model mobilenetv3 --epoch 100 --train_batch 64 --valid_batch 256 --lr 0.001 --num_workers 8 --quadruplet True --scheduler False --fp16 False
- --demo:
uses DeepSportsRadar dataset |False
uses custom dataset - --seed: seed number
- --model: model. To use different models, please take a look at
in models directory. - --epoch: epoch
- --train_batch: train batch size
- --valid_batch: valid batch size
- --lr: learning rate
- --num_workers: dataloader num workers
- --quadruplet:
uses quadruplet loss |False
uses triplet loss - --scheduler: lambda scheduler with 0.95**epoch
- --fp16: mixed precision training
cd re_id/tools
python3 --demo False --model mobilenetv3 --model_weight <your_reid_weight> --batch_size 256 --num_workers 8 --query_index 0
- --demo:
uses DeepSportsRadar dataset |False
uses custom dataset - --model: model
- --model_weight: model weight file
- --batch size: test batch size
- --num worker: dataloader num worker
- --query_index: query index
python3 --detection_weight <exp_name>/<your_detection_weight> --reid_weight <your_reid_weight> --video_file <your_video_file> --reid_model mobilenetv3 --person_thr 0.5 --cosine_thr 0.5
- --detection_weight: detection model trained weight
- --reid_weight: re-id model trained weight
- --video_file: video file to be inferenced
- --reid_model: re-id model
- --person_thr: person confidence threshold
- --cosine_thr: cosine similarity threshold
Kumkang Ko | Dongwoo Kim | Joonil Park | Jae Kyu Im | Jiuk Choi |
Github | Github | Github | Github | Github |
[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] |