🌱 I’m currently learning ERP | Cyber Security | LSP | Arduino
💬 Ask me about Java | Python | SQL | LINUX | Typescript
📫 How to reach me [email protected] | (47) 99738-3886 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedrobuerger
⚡ Fun fact my first job was as a graphic designer. I make my transition to web developer in 2022!
Hello! I'm Pedro Emmanuel, a technology enthusiast with a long-standing passion for graphic design and social media. From 2019 to 2021, I had the opportunity to delve into these fields, gaining deep insights into communication and teamwork.
Currently, I'm focused on consultancy, particularly in implementing and developing services for human resources management systems. My technical skills encompass various languages and tools such as React, LSP, MySQL, and Java. Additionally, I bring expertise in graphic design and social media, enabling me to offer a unique and creative approach to web development.
I'm always seeking new knowledge and challenges, continuously striving to evolve both personally and professionally.