Processing scripts used to generative glitch / art / design
clone recursively git clone --recursive
Detailed instructions inside scripts, examples included All below works on latest Processing 2 only! For Processing 3 versions see bottom.
- decayscreen - decay image, based on XScreenSaver hack with the same name
- drawing_generative - draw image using strokes based on channel value
- drawing_strokes - draw image using lines (aka robot drawing)
- fractalify - draw mandelbrot/julia fractals using channel data from image
- imagelens - use image channel data to displace pixels. You can use different image as lens and to process.
- mirrorimage - mirror parts of the image to other parts, 24 modes for rectangular (12 for squared) images
- ntsc_analogtv - xanalogtv XScreenSaver hack ported to processing
- slitscan - simulate errors during scanning (more digital way)
- wzipprocess2 - recompress image using wzip method (Haar wavelet transformation)
- imageslicer - few algorithms based on segmentation of the image
- cutsort - cut image to lines of random length, sort (or not) and encode image, decode to get glitched result
- distorter - another way to pixel displacement
- lz77 - two script to compress/decompress image/binary with random glitch compressed data
- median_filter - median filter with option to choose other points (not only median)
- wrongqsort - cut image to lines/parts and use buggy QuickSort to sort pixels
- wavelets - wavelet compression tool
- pngglitch - corrupt PNG files (using hacked decoder)
- ultimateSort - partly sort thresholded pixels with various algorithms
- moire - random moire patterns generator / simulator
- pix2line - convert pixels into lines snapped to noise grid
- pixeldrifter - drift pixels using channel data
- watmap - divide target image into regions and map with most matching part from source set
- blendimages - blend source image set into target
- threadraw - draw vertical threads based on image (similar to generative draw)
- decompose_paint - decompose image into sqares/rectangles and fill it with some pattern
- imsyntex - reconstruct image using texture synthesis algorithm
- fm - frequency modulation and demodulation
- composite_video_simulator - very precise VHS/Composite Video/Tape simulation, based on:
- Obj2Raw - convert OBJ vertex data to RAW 8 bit signed (for sonification purposes)
- granularresynth - Granular (re)synthesis of any RAW using other RAWs for visual/audio
- -> sonification - image sonification
- -> GLIC - glitch image codec
- TEMPLATE - clean template sketch with some predefined functions
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