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Digital menu

Modern functionality meets convenience, enhancing both customer satisfaction and restaurant efficiency.

🔥 Introdution

This project is a restaurant development system, crafted using JavaScript, HTML, and Tailwind CSS. With an intuitive and responsive interface, customers can effortlessly navigate the menu and place orders directly through the website. The management system enables administrators to conveniently receive orders via WhatsApp, ensuring efficient and swift communication between the team and customers. This solution delivers a seamless user experience, combining modern functionality with convenience.

Persona do Projeto

O João tem uma pequena lanchonete e luta para mantê-lo! Porém, a João tem problemas em registrar suas vendas! Já usou papel, planilhas e até mesmo outros sistemas complicados!
Será que a Pdv consegue ajudar às várias João espalhadas pelo nosso Brasil? Este é o real foco e farei o possível para alcançá-lo!\



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Cadastro de Usuários
Cadastro de Produtos
Cadastro de Clientes
PDV Padrão
PDV Diferencial (PDV com mais recursos)
Relatórios de vendas
Pedidos (Descontinuado)
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Logs de Acessos

💿 Pré-requisito

To use this project on your local machine, you need to follow these steps: Note: Install Visual Studio Code or a code editor of your choice and NPM

🔨 Installation guide

1 - Git Clone

On terminal:

git clone

After cloning to your machine, in your terminal, you should navigate to the root where the project is located using the command prompt. Example: C:\Users\pc-name\Documents\menu-digital

2 - NPM I or NPM Install

npm i 

And finally:

3 - NPM run dev

npm run dev

📦 Technology used

⚖️ License

This project is under: [MIT License]