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PeeDee edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the wbstrp wiki!

Long term plan is for each hostname that I want to strip to have its own camping app.

The ruby file with controllers and views would be named “#{hostname}.rb”.

The camping server would then pick these up and serve them, so that “{hostname}/other_stuff.html” would
automatically get passed to the right camping app.

To add a site you just drop a short site.domain.rb file into the camping directory and it’s automatically served. The simplest app
would just select the print view for whatever site.

If the fail over just served the original page then I could make my proxy server and get the clean
pages automagically whenever one is defined…

camping doesn’t seem to allow hostname syntax, eg. fails as the name of a
module or file so that didn’t work.


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