This is a ROS Local Planner Plugin that implements the FastBKRRT path planning algorithm.
We implement our algorithm based on Stable Sparse RRT (SST) algorithm.
The Stable Sparse RRT (SST) algorithm is also implemented by ourselves.
Therefore, several definitions (package name, node name, class name, etc.) are named SST, but the algorithm is FastBKRRT.
Plugin tested in Noetic Distro.
Before using this package, you should install everthing needed for running a simulated nav enviroment in your computer. You can follow the tutorial of teb_local_planner to finish this.
Put this package in your workspase and run
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
Check if the plugin "sst_star_local_planner" is successfully installed.
rospack plugins --attrib=plugin nav_core
You should seesst_star_local_planner /home/wang/sim_nav/src/sst_star_local_planner/sst_star_planner_plugin.xml
You can use this plugin in move_base by adding this line in your launch file:
<!-- move_base.launch -->
<arg name="base_local_planner" default="sst_star_local_planner/SSTStarPlanner"/>