Learn more about Remix Stacks
npx create-remix@latest --template PeterEckIII/remix-trap-stack
- Remix ❤️ Vite
- Remix Developer Tools
- ORM and Postgresql setup with Prisma
- Styling with Tailwindcss
- UI development iteration with Storybook
- Dark/Light theme enabled + responsive Navbar
- Custom SVG sprite icon generation with type checking thanks to Jacob Paris' great blog post
- Plug-and-play components courtesy of shadcn-ui
- Test database powered by Docker and Docker Compose
- Unit testing with Testing Library and Vitest
- E2E testing thanks to Playwright
- Industry-standard code formatting with Prettier
- Linting via ESLint
- Static type checking via Typescript
Not a fan of bits of the stack? Fork it, change it, and use npx create-remix --template your/repo
! Make it your own.
Entrypoint: ./scripts/icons.ts
Steps to add an icon to your library
and create a new.svg.
file -- usesnake_case_syntax
when naming your.svg
files for the best DX -
Remove the
properties from the SVG to support dynamic sizing -
Remove the
attribute from the SVG -
Make sure the nested element of the SVG doesn't include any custom
properties to support dynamic colors NOTE: The<svg>
component itself can havestroke
properties, but any nested elements need to be blank -
npm run icons
to generate sprites for your icons in the./resources
directory -
Your icon will be generated based
The type safety comes in
import Icon from '~/library/icon/icon'
<Icon name="<ICON_NAME>" />
The name
property hooks into our type file to provide autocomplete
Storybook is configured in this project and can be used as a UI tool. Storybook is setup via the three files in the ./.storybook/
-- Plugins, add-ons, and aliasing./.storybook/preview.ts
-- Main layout for Storybook./.storybook/vite.config.ts
-- Vite config for Storybook
Testing files locations:
, -"../app/library/components/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|mjs|ts|tsx)"
- "@storybook/addon-onboarding"
- "@storybook/addon-links"
- "@storybook/addon-essentials"
- "@chromatic-com/storybook"
- "@storybook/addon-interactions"
- "@storybook/addon-actions"
The project is also configured for shadcn-ui
use. Simply use the appropriate npx shadcn-ui@latest add <component_name>
$ npx shadcn-ui@latest add button
This installs the shadcn-ui component to the ./app/components/ui/
directory and can be imported and used as follows
Note: It also installs the app/utils.ts
file, which includes a Tailwind class merge helper cn
import {Button} from '~/library/components/ui/button'
return (
<Button>Click Me</Button>
Run the Vite dev server:
npm run dev
The databases are isolated to ensure dev, prod, and testing environments work seamlessly.
environment variable informs the dev environment how to connect to the development database
To connect to the dev environment database run:
npm run db:connect:dev
The docker-compose.yml
file pulls a Postgres image and creates the database using the DATABASE_URL
environment variable in the .env.test
To connect to the test environment database run:
npm run db:connect:test
The Trap Stack leaves deployment up to the user. When choosing a hosting provider it is best to remember the following
- This stack is built with Vite, so make sure your hosting provider supports it!
First, build your app for production:
npm run build
Then run the app in production mode:
npm start
Now you'll need to pick a host to deploy it to.
If you're familiar with deploying Node applications, the built-in Remix app server is production-ready.
Make sure to deploy the output of npm run build
Note: Make sure to edit the ./.github/deploy.yml
file to include instructions from your chosen host provider