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Conference API Example

This repo contains examples of ABL REST services for "Conference API" that's used in some PUG sessions.

This repository contains the business logic and service interfaces of an example "Conference API". The ABL business

Project structure

The main folders are /db Contains the conf database and schema

/src/logic/** /src/BusinessLogic/** Contains ABL business logic, mainly in .P form. This code represents an existing AppServer-enabled OpenEdge application

/src/Conference/SI/** Contains service interfaces, such as WebHandlers and JSON mapping files.

/tlr/** Contains property and other files to tailor the install. The included openedge.merge file contains handler mappings and can be added to a PASOE instance using the oeprop -f path/to/openedge.merge command.

/solutions/** Contains completed code and properties


All the URI's here are relative to the instance and webapp. The root URI is something like http://localhost:8810/api/

The suggested handler configuration is in the tlr/openedge.merge file. This contains mappings for a hand-coded WebHandler-based approach , as well as a DataObjectHandler approach that uses the Conference\SI\ file for mapping the individual requests. The URI's are almost identical between those approaches; the primary difference being that the DOH uses a /web/conf/talks prefix, and the hand-coded WebHandler uses /web/talks. This is so that we can have both styles in the same webapp.


These URI's are handled by the Conference.SI.TalksWebHandler mapped in handler=Conference.SI.TalksWebHandler: where is a sequential, contiguous integer value is the URI from the table below, including any tokens. The order of the handler definitions must be from most-specific to least, so web/talks would be the last (highest number) defined of all the URI's that begins with web/talks

URI HTTP method Query Body Business logic call
web/talks GET filter, top, skip n/a logic/talk/read_talks.p:get_filtered_talks
web/talks PUT n/a {"stream": string, "name": string } logic/talk/new_talk.p:new_talk
web/talks POST n/a {"speaker": string, "name": string , "abstract": string, "contentUrl": string, "contentType": string } logic/talk/new_talk.p:create_talk
web/talks/{talk-id} GET n/a n/a logic/talk/read_talks.p:get_single_talk
web/talks/{talk-id} DELETE n/a n/a logic/talk/schedule_talk.p:cancel_scheduled_talk_by_talk
web/talks/{talk-id} PUT n/a ttTalk logic/talk/update_talk.p:update_talks
web/talks/{talk-id}/{stream-id} PUT n/a ttTalk logic/talk/update_talk.p:switch_stream
web/talks/streams GET n/a n/a logic/talk/streams.p:list_streams
web/talks/{talk-id}/schedule GET n/a n/a logic/talk/list_talk_schedule.p:get_schedule


Once the PASOE Instance is running, you can use any client/tool capable of making GET, PUT, POST and DELETE HTTP requests that support JSON payloads.

The table above contains the URI's that are exposed and the associated business logic that's run.

The Insomnia REST client was used to develop and test these APIs. Included in the repo is an importable set of test cases. These are in conf/Conference_API_insomnia.json and can be imported. Help for this is available online.

The tests use tokens (environment variables) for the base URL (base_url) and webapp (web_app). The values for these should be changed to match your PASOE instance and webapp, and is done via the Insomnia client. Help is available online. The environment to change is the Conference_Instance sub-environment.