Needed this patch:
Full README below.
django-jsonfield is looking for maintainers that want to help keep the software up-to-date with bug patches & Django versions. Please email [email protected] if interested.
django-jsonfield is a reusable Django field that allows you to store validated JSON in your model.
It silently takes care of serialization. To use, simply add the field to one of your models.
Python 3 & Django 1.8 supported!
Use PostgreSQL? 1.0.0 introduced a breaking change to the underlying data type, so if you were using < 1.0.0 please read rpkilby#57 before upgrading.
Note: There are a couple of JSONField's for Django. This one is django-jsonfield here on GitHub but jsonfield on PyPi.
Note: Semvar is followed after the 1.0 released.
pip install jsonfield
from django.db import models
from jsonfield import JSONField
class MyModel(models.Model):
json = JSONField()
By default python deserializes json into dict objects. This behavior differs from the standard json behavior because python dicts do not have ordered keys.
To overcome this limitation and keep the sort order of OrderedDict keys the deserialisation can be adjusted on model initialisation:
import collections
class MyModel(models.Model):
json = JSONField(load_kwargs={'object_pairs_hook': collections.OrderedDict})
If you need to use your JSON field in an index or other constraint, you can use JSONCharField which subclasses CharField instead of TextField. You'll also need to specify a max_length parameter if you use this field.
django-jsonfield supports Python 2.7 to Python 3.4 and Django 1.4 to 1.8
Why doesn't it support Python 2.6?
You actually might be OK if you don't use an OrderedDict, but there are some issues with the simplejson API that make it cumbersome to support.
Why doesn't it support Django 1.3?
There was a bug that could only be fixed by a feature in Django 1.4. Read More if you're interested in the details.
Twitter: @bradjasper
Email: [email protected]
v1.0.3, 2/23/2015 -- Added fix to to allow PIP install
v1.0.2, 2/9/2015 -- Re-added fix for south migration bug
v1.0.1, 2/2/2015 -- Added Django 1.8 support
v1.0.0, 9/4/2014 -- Removed native JSON datatype support for PostgreSQL (breaking change) & added Python 3.4 to tests
v0.9.23, 9/3/2014 -- Allowed tests to run in older versions of Django
v0.9.22, 7/10/2014 -- Added Django 1.7 support
v0.9.21, 5/26/2014 -- Added better support for Python 3 and tests for regex lookups
v0.9.20, 11/14/2013 -- Fixed load_kwargs on form fields, added Django 1.6 to automated tests
v0.9.19, 09/18/2013 -- Fixed changes to django.six.with_metaclass that broke django-jsonfield for Django 1.6
v0.9.18, 08/23/2013 -- Fixed bugs with South datamigration
v0.9.17, 06/07/2013 -- Fixed bugs in JSONCharField admin form
v0.9.14/15/16, 04/29/2013 -- Python 3 support added!
v0.9.11/12/13, 03/26/2013 -- PyPi changes
v0.9.9/10/11, 03/21/2013 -- PyPi changes
v0.9.8, 03/21/2013 -- Added support for native PostgreSQL JSON data type
v0.9.7, 03/21/2013 -- Fix bug #33 where JSONField didn't correctly store some values inside of strings