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Releases: PetroFit/petrofit

Version 0.5.1

16 Aug 18:16
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Version 0.5.1

August 16th 2024

PetroFit Enhancements

  • Update installation requirements for use with python 3.12. #209

General bug fixes and small changes

  • Update rtd to use ubuntu-22.04. #200
  • update_default_config removed since astropy no longer needs it. #205
  • Update rtd to Use Python 3.11.8. #206
  • Update installation requirements for use with python 3.12. #209
  • Remove astropy_helpers from requirements. #209

Version 0.5.0

28 Aug 13:06
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Version 0.5.0

August 28th 2023

This release introduces major upgrades to the PetroFit package. Major changes include refactoring the package to make it easy to use and error estimates on Petrosian and fitted parameters. Please see the changes below and the PetroFit documentation for more information.

PetroFit Enhancements

  • Allow users to choose fitters in fit_model. #187
  • Introduce TRFLSQFitter as the default fitter. #187
  • Enable calc_uncertainties for fitting. This allows users to get paramter errors on fits. #187
  • Oversampled PSF in PSFConvolvedModel2D. #187
  • Remove CircleCI and add GitHub CI workflow. #181
  • A new option to address low signal-to-noise ratio issues when measuring r_99 by allowing the use of r_80.
    While r_80 provides good estimates of r_50 (r_e), it can sometimes result in an overestimation of r_99.
    To ensure accuracy, correction grids can be utilized to estimate r_99 from r_80. However, we maintain the
    Petrosian measurement philosophy that correction grids should be reserved for high-precision measurements.
  • Error estimates for all Petrosian Radii according to Strauss et. al 2002 Appendix A.3. #169
  • Saving/reading profiles to/from file. #169
  • Grid generation now has multi-processing support. #169
  • Moffat2D and EllipMoffat2D Deprecated. #157
  • PSFModel has been depreciated and replaced by PSFConvolvedModel2D. #156

General bug fixes and small changes

  • Remove DecisionTreeRegressor. #192
  • Change sklearn to scikit-learn. #174 by @astro-nova
  • Remove kernel key word from segmentation functions since PhotUtils no longer accepts them. #169
  • order_cat moved to segmentation sub-module. #169
  • source_photometry moved to segmentation sub-module. #169
  • make_radius_list moved to utils sub-module. #169
  • Refactor: photometry.flux_to_abmag -> utils.hst_flux_to_abmag. #169
  • Refactor: Move measure_fwhm from utils to modeling.fitting. #169
  • Depreciate calculate_photometic_density. #169
  • Depreciate object_photometry, now its called radial_photometry. #169
  • Depreciate measure_fwhm. #169
  • Change the bkg_sub keywords to bg_sub to match PhotUtils. #158
  • Recenter example PSF #159

Version 0.4.1

22 Aug 20:50
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Version 0.4.1

August 22nd 2022

This marks the last minor release before backward incompatible changes are applied in next release (v0.5). See the v0.5 milestone for upcoming changes.

PetroFit Enhancements

  • CITATION.rst added to provide citing and credit information. #130
  • segm_mask can now take a list of labels which means it is possible to get multiple unmasked sources using masked_segm_image #143
  • Limits of param bounds in get_default_sersic_bounds changed. #143
    • r_eff min bound set to 1e-3.
    • n min bound set to 0.1.
    • ellip max bound set to 0.99.
  • Add GenSersic2D model, which is a Sersic model with generalized ellipse isophot (boxy) parameter. #145
  • Implement PetroApprox which is a class with no-PSF polynomials which relate profile paramters such as C2080 and Sersic n. #146

General bug fixes and small changes

  • Bug Fix: Example RMS image in docs was not the same size as the example data image. #114
  • Bug Fix: Model attribute bug fix in PSFConvolvedModel2D. #145
  • Print out PSF sum if it is not equal to 1. #145
  • Bug Fix: Change make_catalog kernel_size parameter to odd number. #148

Version 0.4.0

26 Mar 22:23
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Version 0.4.0

March 26th 2022

Upgrades to fitting sub-module, see below for details.

PetroFit Enhancements

  • Removed outdated petrofit.utils.cutout function. [:pr:#93]
  • model_to_image function upgraded to use astropy.convolution.utils.discretize_model. [:pr:#95]
  • PSFModel has been upgraded to PSFConvolvedModel2D.PSFConvolvedModel2D uses __init__ function to wrap models. PSFModel class has been deprecated and will be removed in v0.5. [:pr:#100]
  • An origin parameter has been added to petrofit.models.make_grid. [:pr:#100]
  • and have been moved into a new modeling folder. This allows for all modeling functions and classes to be imported as from petrofit.modeling import .... [:pr:#100]
  • petrofit.modeling.fitting.fit_model can now accept fitting weights, so users can pass fitting weights using rms or error images. [:pr:#100]
  • petrofit.modeling.fitting.plot_fit now displays 3 panel image of fits (input image, model-image, and residual). [:pr:#100]

Version 0.3.1

08 Mar 23:53
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Version 0.3.1

March 8th 2022

PetroFit Improvements

  • Removed kcorrect from Docker file. [:pr:77, :user:robelgeda]
  • Added badges to README.rst.
  • Implemented get_amplitude_at_r function that calculates the amplitude of an image at an isophotal radius. [:pr:81, :user:robelgeda]
  • Removed outdated fit_plane function. [:pr:84, :user:robelgeda]
  • Moved requirements from environment.yml to requirements.txt. Though both can be used to install PetroFit, environment.yml is recommended at this time. [:pr:72, :user:robelgeda]
  • Upgraded circleci resource_class to medium+. [:pr:62, :user:robelgeda]

General bug fixes and small changes

  • Cleaned up the docs, introduced a CHANGES.mdfile. [:pr:77, :user:robelgeda]
  • Add release procedure for developers. [:pr:70, :user:robelgeda]

Version 0.3

11 Feb 00:42
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Version associated with initial paper titled: "PetroFit: A Python Package for Computing Petrosian Radii and Fitting Galaxy Light Profiles"

Version 0.2.3

31 Jan 18:36
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Performance and doc improvements. Version after comp and before collab input.

Version 0.2.2

09 Jan 22:05
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Paper review responses and enhancements.

Version 0.2.1

30 Jul 18:27
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This is a minor release to fix PyPi issues.

Version 0.2

27 Jul 19:16
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The software and science have undergone a first phase of review. This version represents the full scope of the module design and future work will be on making improvements and adding features.