Nukkit PM1E
Nukkit PetteriM1 Edition
- Updated end crystal collision box & explosion to match recent changes on vanilla
- Improved block placement when moving
- Fixed an issue that allowed hackers to break one block instantly
- Fixed crafting with wool on 1.19.70
- Fixed banner sign and placement on replaceable blocks
- Fixed banner patterns not displaying on dropped banners with reduce-traffic enabled
- Fixed reduce-traffic missing from default config
- Fixed disabling usage of "new" block not preventing certain blocks from being generated naturally
- Fixed cancelling PlayerMoveEvent not reverting movement
- Fixed zombie type baby mobs not having higher movement speed
- Made it possible to edit more world settings through in-game UIs
- Mob spawners now drop experience when mined with a pickaxe
- Zombified piglins now spawn in groups of 2-4 and check the light level
- Dispensers now support minecarts and chest boats
- Fishing hook can no longer get stuck to player's own head
- PlayerInteractEvent is now called when player attempts to drop a book from lectern
- API: Removed legacy
- Other fixes and improvements
Download Launcher.jar