- Committee
- Dr. Walker Ashley: Chair
- Dr. David Changnon
- Dr. Jie Song
- Dr. Victor Gensini
- Python Scripts
- WRF NetCDF Snow Inventory Script **
- Experimental / Control WRF File Generators **
- GrADS Scripts
- run_unipostandgrads: Altered version of the UPPV.3 Script
- grib2ctl.pl / wrf_cntrl.parm: UPPV.3 Scripts used for Plotting
- doplots.gs: Forks calls to other plotting scripts
- /colorbars/: Scripts for generating colors
- /functions/: Scripts to generate specific portions of the plots
- /grads_scripts/: Scripts that generate the plots themselves
- /shapefiles/: Shapes for CONUS, Counties, States, Interstates, Etc.
This project contains works by various authors, please see the respective notices included in files for authorship information, and respective file licensing. Files I have personally authored contain header comment blocks containing my file signature.
The project uses the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Version 3.8 model. Scripts provided are used to generate the experimental case study files from which analysis was done on. GrADS scripts included were used to generate specific plots needed by the study.