Image viewer for developing and testing image processing algorithms. Side-by-side viewer for before-and-after images. Zoom and pan for inspecting details. Chain processes together by swapping the output image back into the input for the next process.
Create your own image processing class, inheriting from AbstractImageProcessor
, like this:
class ImageProcessorInvert(AbstractImageProcessor):
Then implement the method process_image()
Then, add it to the list of selectable processors in MainWindow.SetUpImageProcessors()
def SetUpImageProcessors(self):
self.processors:dict = {}
# #
# Add your custom image processor here to make it available in the UI #
# #
processor_name_greyscale = "Greyscale"
self.processors[processor_name_greyscale] = ImageProcessorGreyScale()
processor_name_edge_detect = "Edge detect"
self.processors[processor_name_edge_detect] = ImageProcessorEdgeDetect()
processor_name_invert = "Invert"
self.processors[processor_name_invert] = ImageProcessorInvert()
processor_name_blur = "Blur"
self.processors[processor_name_blur] = ImageProcessorBlur()
The included image processing algorithms are not designed to be efficient or best-practice. This is simply a sand-box for trying ideas.
Built with wxPython GUI library.