A PHP library for sending Firebase Cloud Messages and managing user topic subscriptions, device groups and devices.
Installation with composer:
composer require edwinhoksberg/php-fcm
// Load composer
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Instantiate the client with the project api_token and sender_id.
$client = new \Fcm\FcmClient($apiToken, $senderId);
// Instantiate the push notification request object.
$notification = new \Fcm\Push\Notification();
// Enhance the notification object with our custom options.
->setTitle('Hello from php-fcm!')
->setBody('Notification body')
->addData('key', 'value');
// Send the notification to the Firebase servers for further handling.
Read the documentation here or look in the docs directory.
Run the unit tests with PHPUnit:
composer test
Before the first time you run them, you may need to run:
composer install