Pixi.js DSL in ClojureScript with hot code swapping, inspired by Virtual DOMs. Currently only a small subset of Pixi.js features is supported.
Previews http://repo.quamolit.org/phlox/ .
[quamolit/phlox "0.3.1-a1"]
to add canvas to <body/>
(ns app.main
(:require [phlox.core :refer [defcomp hslx render! create-list
rect circle text container graphics >>]]))
(defcomp comp-demo [data]
{:position [800 40],
:size [60 34],
:fill (hslx 40 80 80),
:on {:pointertap (fn [e d!] (d! :demo nil))}}
{:text "Demo",
:position [808 44],
:style {:fill (hslx 120 80 20), :font-size 18, :font-family "Josefin Sans"}})))
(defonce *store (atom nil))
(defn dispatch! [op op-data]
(reset! *store (updater @*store op op-data)))
(defn main []
(render! (comp-demo data) dispatch! {}))
(defn reload! []
(render! (comp-container @*store) dispatch! {:swap? true}))
Notice that Phlox uses :pointertap
instead of :click
for touch screen support.
Phlox supports a naive global event system for listening to keyboard events from elements:
:on-keyboard {
:down (fn [e dispatch!])
:press (fn [e dispatch!])
:up (fn [e dispatch!])
Add a container:
:position [1 1]
:pivot [0 0]
:rotation 0
:alpha 1
:on {
:pointertap (fn [])
:on-keyboard {
:down (fn [])
Draw a circle:
:position [1 1]
:radius 1
:line-style {
:width 2
:color 0x000001
:alpha 1
:fill 0x000001
:on {
:pointertap (fn [])
:alpha 1
:on-keyboard {
:down (fn [])
Draw a rectangle:
:position [1 2]
:size [1 1]
:line-style {
:width 2
:color 0x000001
:alpha 1
:fill 0x000001
:on {
:pointertap (fn [])
:radius 1
:rotation 1
:pivot [1 2]
:alpha 1
:on-keyboard {
:down (fn [])
Draw text:
:text "demo"
:position [1 1]
:pivot [0 0]
:rotation 0
:alpha 1
:style {
:fill "red"
:font-size 14
:font-family "Hind"
:on-keyboard {
:down (fn [])
Draw graphics(use phlox.core/g
for validations):
:ops [
(g :move-to [1 1])
(g :line-to [2 2])
(g :line-style {})
(g :begin-fill {:color "red"})
(g :end-fill nil)
(g :close-path nil)
(g :arc-to {:p1 [200 200], :p2 [240 180], :radius 90})
(g :arc {:center [260 120], :radius 40, :angle [70 60], :anticlockwise? false})
(g :bezier-to {:p1 [400 500], :p2 [300 200], :to-p [600 300]})
(g :quadratic-to {:p1 [400 100], :to-p [500 400]})
:position [1 1]
:pivot [1 2]
:rotation 0
:alpha 1
:on {
:pointertap (fn [])
:on-keyboard {
:down (fn [])
Notice that Pixi.js takes colors in hex numbers. phlox.core/hslx
is added for convenience.
provides a clickable button:
{:text "DEMO BUTTON",
:position [100 0],
:align-right? false
:on {:pointertap (fn [e d!] (js/console.log "pointertap event" e d!))}})
{:text "Blue", :position [100 60], :color (hslx 0 80 70), :fill (hslx 200 80 40)}))
{:text "Quick pointertap",
:position [100 0],
:on-pointertap (fn [e d!] (js/console.log "pointertap event" e d!))})
provides a little slider bar of a number, changes on dragging:
(comp-slider (>> states :c)
{:value (:c state),
:unit 10,
:min 1
:max 10
:round? true
:position [20 120],
:fill (hslx 50 90 70),
:color (hslx 200 90 30),
:on-change (fn [value d!] (d! cursor (assoc state :c value)))})
Also comp-slider-point
is a minimal version for comp-slider
, it does not accept :title
provides a point for dragging:
(comp-drag-point (>> states :p3)
{:position (:p3 state),
:unit 0.4,
:title "DEMO"
:radius 6,
:fill (hslx 0 90 60),
:color (hslx 0 0 50),
:hide-text? false
:on-change (fn [position d!] (d! cursor (assoc state :p3 position)))})
provides a switch button:
{:value (:value state),
:position [100 20],
:title "Custom title",
:on-change (fn [value d!] (d! cursor (assoc state :value value)))})
for rendering messages:
{:messages (:messages state),
:position [16 (- js/window.innerWidth 16)]
:color (hslx 0 0 50)
:fill (hslx 0 0 30)
:bottom? false
:on-pointertap (fn [message d!])})
for branching states:
(phlox.core/>> state :a)
for handling states change, used in updater:
(phlox.cursor/update-states store [cursor op-data])
To interact with text input:
(phlox.input/request-text! e
{:placeholder "text.."
:initial "demo"
:textarea? false
:style {}}
(fn [result] (println "got:" result)))
contains several util functions to work with complex numbers like [x y]
, adds two complex numbersminus
, adds one to anothertimes
, mutiply two complex numbersrebase
, actualy "divide", renamed since naming collision.divide-by
, divide by scalar numberx
, returns a random[x y]
, takes 1 or 2 arguments
Workflow https://github.com/Quamolit/phlox-workflow