Current version : 1.0
About RoboType :
The world's first Library/Module to implement interactive text inside your android app.
It stimulates text typing.
Easy to Implement.
Compitable with all android versions.
How to implement :
Download RoboType.jar
Implement the RoboType.jar or import the lib project
Inside your activity add this method :
public static void Robo(String x){ YourTextView.append(x); };
In your onCreate or wherever you want add :
RoboType.update(message, fullClassName, speed);
Note : We recommended to use 100 speed Note : In fullClassName you need to write like this com.example.MainActivity
- Don't forget to import the class "RoboType".
Update function explained :
update(message, className, speed);
This is the function used to apply the module. use it in anywhere you like (button listener, onCreate...etc).
Parameters :
- message : string to be displayed.
- speed : the speed of displaying text in milliseconds.
- classname : the activity where you will display this text (i.e. com.package.class)
Algorithm :
- it get the text from user.
- split the string to single characters.
- using reflection to access the other class.
- invoke the method that set new character each certain time.
- use a handler to control the process.
Changelog :
- v1.0 :
- added jar.
- added project source.
- use reflection to invoke.
- initial release.
Notes :
- This is still in early stage of development.
- A demo app is available on playstore :
- A youtube video too :