This package implements carousels for the Shuup platform.
Copyright (C) 2012-2015 by Shuup Ltd. <[email protected]>
Shuup is International Registered Trademark & Property of Shuup Ltd., Business ID: FI24815722, Business Address: Aurakatu 12 B, 20100 Turku, Finland.
Shuup Carousel is published under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPLv3). See the LICENSE file.
You can run tests with py.test.
Requirements for running tests:
Your virtualenv needs to have Shuup installed.
Project root must be in the Python path. This can be done with:
pip install -e .
The packages from
must be installed.pip install -r testing_requirements.txt
To run tests, use command:
py.test -v shuup_carousel_tests
Shuup Carousel uses the Owl Carousel 2
jQuery slider plugin, which has been included in the js/vendor