Created for ease of provisioning Full Stack Drupal applications.
"Full Stack" here means everything required to have a unified production, staging and development enviroments set up for a Drupal 7 project.
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ansible
ssh-copy-id root@PROD_HOST
ssh-copy-id root@DEV_HOST
where PROD_HOST is the hostname or IP address of the Production server and DEV_HOST is the hostname or IP address of the Development server (which has the staging and dev versions of the website)
Copy the example.hosts
template file to NAME_OF_PROJECT.hosts and edit that file point at the correct remote servers
cp example.hosts NAME_OF_PROJECT.hosts
nano hosts
- Edit the group_vars/all/setup_vars.yml file as required.
ansible -i HOSTFILE multi --sudo -m raw -a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python-simplejson"
ansible-playbook -i NAME_OF_PROJECT.hosts setup.yml
Check for errors in the PLAY RECAP
https://DEV_HOST:12340 (if set up as a separate host from prod in hosts inventory file)
- Set whatever parameters in the wizard you deem appropriate.
- Set the MySQL root password to the same as the server's root password.
- It's recommended to set "Password storage mode" to "Only store hashed passwords"
- The passwords and SSH keys for the various user accounts (including root) have now been fetched to the fetched directory.
- For the SSH keys, make sure these are added to your git repositories.
- Pro-tip: Use an encrypted password manager such as Keepass
- Edit the group_vars/all/deploy_vars.yml file as required.
- deploy/db.sql.gz should be a gzipped sql dump of the database to import on all environments
- deploy/files.tar.gz should be a gzip file with the sites/default/files contents to import on all environments
ansible-playbook -i NAME_OF_PROJECT.hosts deploy.yml
- Check for errors in the PLAY RECAP
- If the play hangs on git commands then it could be due to the remote repository not being accessible- ensure the SSH public keys are copied correctly as above
- Add heal script to setup playbook
- Setup ufw for all hosts
- Mailcatcher on stage and dev environments
- Setup up optional nginx to fullstack role and configure as needed (via docker?)
- Check Apache Solr configuration
- Set up optional installation of PHP 5.6 to fullstack role via PPA (via docker?)
- Set up virtualmin backup configuration (new host) and provide backup options in project vars
- Add apt-get update/upgrade playbook