This application stores and retrieves test messages from pivots. Stored messages include the pivot id and name.
Please visit /swagger-ui.html
for api docs.
- Install postgres:
brew install postgres
- Create a postgres database super user admin with password 'admin':
createuser admin --superuser --password
- Create postgres databases:
createdb pivot-texts && createdb pivot-texts-test
cp deployment/pivot-texts-api/src/resources/application.yml.example deployment/pivot-texts-api/src/resources/application.yml
gradle bootRun
- Navigate to
- Log in using details from
- Start postgres
postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
./gradlew :deployment/pivot-texts-api:test
./gradlew clean test
- Create a postgres service
- Modify
with correct postgres service name, environment variable values cf push
It would be nice to have an example of a component based front end web application build.