As of MinePrompt Rewritten the project has gone under a whole rewrite from the ground up. Thanks to the people in the PrismarineJS community, I've been able to clean up a lot of the design and code.
MinePrompt Discord:
This project is written in NodeJS
, and as such requires NodeJS
, alongside ElectronJS
Install Dependencies
npm i
Install Electron (I use globally -g
npm i electron -g
Go to the directory of the project, then launch it with Electron.
cd C:/path/to/project
electron .
The program comes ready out of the box. If you want to add your own commands you just need to find the appropriate /commands/
directory, add your file my_command.js
, and follow the command structure. Check the structure of other commands for extra options.
module.exports = {
command: 'template',
description: '',
requiresEntity: true,
author: 'me, myself, and irene',
execute: function(sender, command, args) {
You can add accounts via the command accounts
Caching is handled by node-minecraft-protocol, and on most systems the folder will be in .minecraft/nmp-cache
, however mineprompt uses its own subfolder.