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Setting up a server profile

PixeL edited this page Sep 11, 2017 · 1 revision

So.. you want to setup your own server profile for your own hosted bot.. neato! First thing you're going to want to do is create a servers/ directory inside the folder where you put the code, or bot exe.

Then, you need to create a file with your guild name as the file name with .json at the end, like so


Once that is done, edit the file. Then paste this format and edit to your liking:

  "name": "Your server name",
  "id": guild_id_here,
  "log_join": true,
  "log_leave": true,
  "log_bans": true,
  "cache_messages": true,
  "auto_role": null,
  "leave_on_master": false,
  "join_message": "{user} has just joined the server!",
  "leave-message": "{user} has just left the server!",
  "ban_message": "{user} GOT BANNEDD!",
  "log_channel": log_channel_id_goes_here, must be a number no string

You must replace the id: with your guild id, and log_channel with the channel id of the channel you want the bot to spit it's output to.

That's all you need to know about creating server profiles.

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