This repo is focused on using Risc-Zero to generate Zero Knowledge Proofs using Rust and Foundry to prove only vetted Security Reviewers with certain score reqirements are allowed to attest to a contract.
Paid company provides funds for security reviewers to aynonmously submit reviews on behalf of the company. Company decides whether the security reviewers are private or public.
Clone this repo
Install rust and foundry
Use this command to get rust/risczero dependancies
cargo install cargo-binstall
cargo binstall cargo-risczero
cargo risczero install
Get started with downloading dependancies
cargo build
forge build
For making this auditing review, forge test and cargo test were not re-done to accomidate the new files.
Build your .env to look like below. We will be copy-pasting this into terminal. Shortens deployment commands.
cargo build
Get that deployment in!
forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url${INFURA_API_KEY} --broadcast --verify -vvvv
Record your ValidReviewer address (reference ours here)
Use this command to publish data to the blockchain. Only approved users with certain score inputs will be approved. Review this
cargo run --bin publisher -- \
--chain-id=11155111 \
--rpc-url=${INFURA_API_KEY} \
--contract=0x294b9b0135eE74BC31c3E166Ab56176F5962288a \
--score 4 1
Sepolia Deployed Contracts: ValidReviewer = 0x4f442938F71EC57656957533A943eeE721499709 RiscZeroGroth16Verifier = 0x4f433AFCF539f910a4570645805323E890C77924
Backup Contract: ValidReviewer = 0x4FdCfaA39C25503B19C3075523806F89412d7c98 RiscZeroGroth16Verifier = 0xEC9985423EBE6135ca95B41eDDD8DD6d205e362e