Developer Browser History Plugin (DBHPlugin) is plugin/extension for chrome and firefox which allows the user to consult the history of his visits to developer web pages.
Clone this repo and install the dependencies:
- Python 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7 *
- nodejs
- bower --
npm install -g bower
- grunt-cli --
npm install -g grunt-cli
- Install node dependencies --
npm install
- Install project dependencies --
bower install
* Make sure that Python is in your path. For Windows users, MozillaBuild ( will install the correct version of Python and the MSYS package, which will make it easier to work with the SDK.
grunt build-app
Builds the project
grunt dist-firefox
Builds the project and prepare the package for firefox (xpi)
grunt dist-chrome-zip
Builds the project and prepare the package for chrome (zip)
grunt dist-chrome-crx
Builds the project and prepare the package for chrome (crx)
grunt dev-chrome
dev environment for chrome: jshint, run tests, sync source to dist/chrome folder
grunt test-server
Keeps listening for file updates to run tests
grunt test-chrome
Keeps listening for file updates to run tests in chrome for debugging
grunt test-ci
Launches the tests and coveralls for the ci build
Download it from github releases