A medical image kit for segmentation metrics evaluation, native Rust support, and Python bindings for cross-language performance.
🚀 Blazingly Fast: Written in Rust with high parallelization; speeds are 10-100x faster than medpy (depends on the number of cores in your CPU), especially for Hausdorff distance calculations.
🎯 Simple: The API is so intuitive that you can start using it immediately while reading the documentation in just one minute!
🧮 Comprehensive Metrics: Easily to compute almost all of segmentation metrics, results are consistent with medpy:
Confusion Matrix Based:
- Dice/IoU
- Sensitivity/Specificity/Precision
- Accuracy/Balanced Accuracy
- ARI/FNR/FPR/F-score
- Volume Similarity
Distance Based:
- Hausdorff Distance (HD)
- Hausdorff Distance 95 (HD95)
- Average Symmetric Surface Distance (ASSD)
- Mean Average Surface Distance (MASD)
For Rust projects, add the following to your Cargo.toml
mikan-rs = "*"
For Python, install via pip:
pip install mikan-rs
maturin dev
import mikan
import SimpleITK as sitk
gt = sitk.ReadImage("gt.nii.gz", sitk.sitkUInt8)
pred = sitk.ReadImage("pred.nii.gz", sitk.sitkUInt8)
e = mikan.Evaluator(gt, pred)
e.labels([1, 2, 3]).metrics(["dice", "hd", "hd95", "assd"])
For details, please refer to the python examples and rust examples.
- medpy: A well-known package for calculating segmentation metrics, with excellent documentation and implementation.
- miseval: A framework capable of calculating a large number of segmentation metrics.
- seg_metrics: A package for segmentation metrics that supports batch data calculation and CSV output, making it very convenient.
- MetricsReloaded: A new recommendation framework for biomedical image analysis validation, published in Nature Methods.
If you use this software, we would appreciate it if you could include an mikan emoji 🍊 in your paper.
Q: Why are my results different from seg_metrics/miseval/MetricsReloaded?
A: They are wrong. Of course, we might be wrong too. PRs to fix issues are welcome!
Licensed under either of the following licenses, at your choice:
Apache License, Version 2.0 (See LICENSE-APACHE or visit http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
MIT License (See LICENSE-MIT or visit http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project, as defined by the Apache License 2.0, will be dual-licensed under the above licenses without any additional terms or conditions.