What's Changed
- Premium Purchase - Hooray! Screen by @Gio2018 in #493
- fix(load): removing extra saves & archive call by @bassrock in #494
- Premium Purchases - Send App Store receipt to the backend by @Gio2018 in #485
- Premium purchases - Subscription store refactor by @Gio2018 in #495
- fix(threads): updating how our main model recieve events by @bassrock in #498
- chore(deps): general dependency upgrade by @bassrock in #497
- fix(bitrise): build stack changes by @bassrock in #499
- feat(coordinators): iPad + SwiftUI Foundation by @bassrock in #473
- feat(actions): fix one of our tests by @bassrock in #500
- feat(prod): switch to prod identifier by @bassrock in #496
- feat(pull-to-refresh): adding in custom pull to refresh indicator by @bassrock in #465
- feat(premium): offline premium upsell by @timc-mozilla in #490
- feat(premium): update receipt encoding by @Gio2018 in #501
- chore(tests): updating xcode test scheme by @bassrock in #505
- chore(smartling): translations are completed for commit 216f6ea from develop by @pocket-ci in #503
- chore(tests): fixing logout tests by @bassrock in #506
- feat(saves): update saves use NSFetchedResults diffable datasource delegate by @bassrock in #504
- chore(ios15): adding in ios 15 testing by @bassrock in #510
- fix(home): use fetchedresultscontroller for home by @bassrock in #507
- fix(slate-detail): removing extra slate detail refresh by @bassrock in #511
- feat(saves): increase the default list size by @bassrock in #509
- fix(cache): improve caching and deletion of images by @dskuza in #513
- chore(license): adding in instructions for acknowledgement generation by @bassrock in #512
- fix(orientation): allow only reader to rotate by @cyndichin in #508
- fix(sentry): install sentry on non-debug builds by @bassrock in #518
- fix(imageCache): fixing image cache encoding by @bassrock in #516
- fix(scheme): set OS_ACTIVITY_MODE to disable by @cyndichin in #520
- fix(concurrency): clean up some of our threading and calls by @bassrock in #515
- feat(user): updating user query by @timc-mozilla in #519
- feat(migration): migrate legacy user sessions to new session type by @dskuza in #312
- fix(home): ensuring home does not always refresh by @bassrock in #528
- fix(image): turn off image prefetching by @bassrock in #529
Full Changelog: release/v8.0.0.23270...release/v8.0.0.23507
Public Notes
Thank you so much for all of your testing and feedback! We have great news––we are just about code-complete. This is the last Testflight update you’ll receive for this version of the iOS Pocket app — but don't worry, we still need your help in the days ahead!
More details will land in your inbox next month with signup info for the Pocket 8 Beta that we will launch later this spring. We hope you’ll continue to play a vital role in helping us evaluate new features by joining us there. Rumors are that there will be something worth talking about (or listening to) dropping there very soon.
Let’s talk about what’s new for build 8.0 (23507) that released Thursday, March 30:
🙈 We listened to your feedback about the iPad interface and switched it off: enjoy a super-sized phone experience while we make some updates to deliver you an even better Pocket experience on the iPad.
🤸We realized that while cartwheels are fun, the app doesn’t look great sideways on smaller screens: Pocket 8 on phones now only supports landscape orientation when you’re reading articles.
🗞️It looks like we were getting a little too excited about fetching the freshest article recommendations for you and were requesting them multiple times at once. We apologize for being an over-eager paperboy.
🖼️We sat down with the gremlins who fetch article thumbnails and explained to them that while it’s good to be excited about your job, it’s actually more important that we download your articles first; your saved articles should download much more quickly now that the gremlins have moved to the back of the line.
📈 Speaking of exciting: we’ve doubled the number of saved articles that the app downloads from 500 to 1,000.
🎈 We’re hanging streamers and blowing up balloons: in anticipation of our upcoming App Store release, we’ve prepared the way for your existing Pocket App Store install to be upgraded to Pocket 8 while keeping you signed in and redownloading your articles in the background. You can’t test this yet, but see the introduction to this email for how you can soon!