- install the SQL base to execute install.sql file
- download the wkhtmltopdf binary in the exec folder
- copy inc/config.inc.php-dist file to inc/config.inc.php
- edit the inc/config.inc.php to set your parameters (PDO database, Print binary path, ...)
- each user must be defined in the api_print_user table :
- email et api_key must be use in the api call to convert the HTML to PDF
- passwd will be use when this application will have a registration system
- use the class inside the "public" folder to connect in the API
- add a media print stylesheet in your HTML file to print
- tips : in the media print stylesheet, import the media screen stylesheet if you want only override the default stylesheet (with @import in the media screen stylesheet)
Example to call the PDF print :
// Setup the API call
$print = new ApiPrintPdf();
$print->setService('[URL of the API]');
$print->setEmail('[email of the API account]');
$print->setApiKey('[API key of the API account]');
$print->setUrl('[URL to print]'); // or $print->setContent('[HTML content to print]');
// You can define some options (see inc/ApiPrintOption.class.php to known availables options)
$print->setOptions(array('grayscale' => true, 'margin-top' => '5mm'));
// call the API
$res = $print->callApi();
if ($res === true) {
// for save the file
// for the download by client
$print->download('my awesome PDF.pdf');
The project can't exists without wkhtmltopdf. Thanks to them
FreeApiPrint is release under BSD license
Simon Leblanc [email protected] with the agreement of my fabulous company Portail Pro