We have discontinued this fork in favor of Ore-to-Discourse-Auth-Gateway
This repository is now archived and read-only
An authentication portal for shared user accounts between Sponge services.
Originally written in Play, but ported to Django and made more robust with more extensive testing.
You'll need:
- A working Docker install (for Linux, install from your package manager; for macOS, use Docker for Mac; for Windows, use Docker for Windows)
- docker-compose (for Linux, install from your package manager; for macOS/Windows, these should be included with Docker for Mac/Windows)
docker-compose up
and wait for a bit. When you see
su -c '/env/bin/python spongeauth/manage.py runserver' spongeauth
then you should be able to visit http://localhost:8000 and have a working SpongeAuth install.
If you need an administrator account, you should be able to run:
docker-compose run app /env/bin/python spongeauth/manage.py createsuperuser
and follow the prompts to get an administrator account. This must be done after the up
command above.