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Lists of company wise questions available on leetcode premium. Every csv file in the companies directory corresponds to a list of questions on leetcode for a specific company based on the leetcode company tags. Updated as of May, 2022.


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Leetcode Company-wise Problem Lists

Curated lists of Leetcode questions group by companies, updated as of May, 2022.

Shout out to fishercoder1534 for the awesome Leetcode repo for solutions.

Company Index

  1. APT Portfolio
  2. Accenture
  3. Activision
  4. Adobe
  5. Affirm
  6. Airbnb
  7. Akamai
  8. Akuna Capital
  9. Alation
  10. Alibaba
  11. AllinCall
  12. Amazon
  13. American Express
  14. Apple
  15. Arcesium
  16. Arista Networks
  17. Asana
  18. Athenahealth
  19. Atlassian
  20. Baidu
  21. Barclays
  22. BlackRock
  23. Bloomberg
  24. Bolt
  25. Booking
  26. Box
  27. ByteDance
  28. C3 IoT
  29. Canonical
  30. Capital One
  31. Cashfree
  32. Cisco
  33. Citadel
  34. Citrix
  35. Cohesity
  36. Commvault
  37. Coursera
  38. Cruise Automation
  39. DE Shaw
  40. DJI
  41. DRW
  42. Databricks
  43. Dataminr
  44. Dell
  45. Deutsche Bank
  46. Directi
  47. Docusign
  48. DoorDash
  49. Drawbridge
  50. Dropbox
  51. Druva
  52. Dunzo
  53. Duolingo
  54. Epic Systems
  55. Expedia
  56. FPT
  57. Facebook
  58. FactSet
  59. Flipkart
  60. Gilt Groupe
  61. GoDaddy
  62. Goldman Sachs
  63. Google
  64. Grab
  65. HBO
  66. HRT
  67. Honeywell
  68. Hotstar
  69. Huawei
  70. Hulu
  71. IBM
  72. IIT Bombay
  73. IMC
  74. IXL
  75. Indeed
  76. Info Edge
  77. Infosys
  78. Intel
  79. Intuit
  80. JPMorgan
  81. Jane Street
  82. Jeavio
  83. Karat
  84. Leap Motion
  85. LinkedIn
  86. LiveRamp
  87. Lyft
  88. MAQ Software
  89. MakeMyTrip
  90. Mathworks
  91. Mercari
  92. Microsoft
  93. MindTickle
  94. MindTree
  95. Moengage
  96. Morgan Stanley
  97. National Instruments
  98. Netflix
  99. Netsuite
  100. Nuro
  101. Nutanix
  102. Nvidia
  103. OT
  104. Opendoor
  105. Optum
  106. Oracle
  107. Palantir Technologies
  108. PayTM
  109. Paypal
  110. PhonePe
  111. Pinterest
  112. Pocket Gems
  113. Postmates
  114. Pure Storage
  115. Qualcomm
  116. Qualtrics
  117. Quora
  118. Rakuten
  119. Reddit
  120. Redfin
  121. Riot Games
  122. Robinhood
  123. Roblox
  124. Rubrik
  125. Rupeek
  126. SAP
  127. Salesforce
  128. Samsung
  129. Sapient
  130. ServiceNow
  131. Shopee
  132. Snapchat
  133. Softwire
  134. Sony
  135. Splunk
  136. Spotify
  137. Sprinklr
  138. Square
  139. Sumologic
  140. Swiggy
  141. T System
  142. TIAA
  143. Tencent
  144. Tesla
  145. Thumbtack
  146. Tiger Analytics
  147. Toptal
  148. TripleByte
  149. TuSimple
  150. Twilio
  151. Twitch
  152. Twitter
  153. Two Sigma
  154. Uber
  155. United Health Group
  156. VMware
  157. Valve
  158. Virtu Financial
  159. Visa
  160. Walmart Global Tech
  161. Wayfair
  162. Wealthfront
  163. Wish
  164. Works Applications
  165. Yahoo
  166. Yandex
  167. Yelp
  168. ZScaler
  169. Zenefits
  170. Zillow
  171. Zoho
  172. Zomato
  173. Zoom
  174. Zopsmart
  175. eBay
  176. edabit
  177. instacart
  178. payu
  179. peak6
  180. persistent systems
  181. razorpay
  182. tcs
  183. tiktok
  184. zeta suite

APT Portfolio

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Stone Game VI Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
2 Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range Easy Solution
2 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy Solution
2 Palindrome Number Easy Java, C++
1 Find Subsequence of Length K With the Largest Sum Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
52 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
19 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard Solution, C++
16 Roman to Integer Easy Solution
13 Reverse Integer Easy Solution, C++
12 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
12 Contains Duplicate Easy Solution
12 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium Solution
11 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy Solution
11 Longest Common Prefix Easy Solution
10 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
9 Container With Most Water Medium Solution
9 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
8 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
8 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
8 First Missing Positive Hard Solution
8 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
7 Search Insert Position Easy Solution
7 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
7 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
7 Product of Array Except Self Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
10 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium Solution
6 Design Hit Counter Medium Solution
4 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
3 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed Hard Solution
3 Valid Anagram Easy Solution
2 Optimal Account Balancing Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
14 Palindrome Pairs Hard Solution
14 Alien Dictionary nan Solution
9 Flatten 2D Vector Medium Solution
7 Smallest Common Region Medium Solution
6 Pour Water Medium Solution
6 Minimum Window Substring Hard Solution
5 Combination Sum Medium Solution
4 Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium Solution
3 Design Circular Queue Medium Solution
3 Fraction to Recurring Decimal Medium Solution
2 Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold nan Solution
2 Tag Validator Hard Solution
2 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy Solution
1 Pyramid Transition Matrix Medium Solution
1 Mini Parser Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array Easy Solution

Akuna Capital

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
8 Increasing Decreasing String Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 H-Index Medium Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
2 Group Anagrams Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Path Sum IV Medium Solution
1 Split Concatenated Strings Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
117 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
117 LRU Cache Hard Solution
103 Number of Islands Medium Solution
87 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
68 Search Suggestions System Medium Solution
56 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
51 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
50 Analyze User Website Visit Pattern Medium Solution
49 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
49 K Closest Points to Origin Easy Solution
48 Meeting Rooms II Medium Solution
47 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution
45 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
44 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
43 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
41 Word Ladder Hard Solution
40 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard Solution, C++
36 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
36 Word Search Medium Solution
35 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution

American Express

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero Medium Solution
3 Valid Palindrome Easy Solution
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
2 Reducing Dishes Hard Solution
2 3Sum Medium Solution, C++


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
40 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
20 LRU Cache Hard Solution
19 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
18 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
17 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
16 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
15 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard Solution, C++
14 Longest Common Prefix Easy Solution
13 Roman to Integer Easy Solution
11 Spiral Matrix Medium Solution
11 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
11 Number of Islands Medium Solution
10 Word Break Medium Solution
10 Product of Array Except Self Medium Solution
10 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
9 Generate Parentheses Medium Solution
8 Rotate Image Medium Solution
8 Move Zeroes Easy Solution
8 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
8 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product Medium Solution
2 Broken Calculator Medium Solution
2 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Medium Solution

Arista Networks

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
2 Compare Version Numbers Easy Solution
2 Restore IP Addresses Medium Solution
1 Construct String With Repeat Limit Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
13 Product of Array Except Self Medium Solution
5 K Closest Points to Origin Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Degree of an Array Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
18 Rank Teams by Votes Medium Solution
10 Logger Rate Limiter Easy Solution
4 Lemonade Change Easy Solution
3 Design Snake Game Medium Solution
2 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Easy Solution
2 Single Number Easy Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Out of Boundary Paths Hard Solution
1 Zuma Game Hard Solution
1 Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
6 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
2 Evaluate Division Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
64 Design Underground System Medium Solution
33 Number of Islands Medium Solution
33 Decode String Medium Solution
28 Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List Medium Solution
26 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II Medium Solution
23 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium Solution
23 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
20 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
20 Meeting Rooms II Medium Solution
20 Design an Ordered Stream Easy Solution
19 LRU Cache Hard Solution
16 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
16 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
15 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
14 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium Solution
14 Two City Scheduling Easy Solution
14 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
14 Word Search Medium Solution
13 First Unique Character in a String Easy Solution
12 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
5 Check if All Characters Have Equal Number of Occurrences Easy Solution
3 Reverse Words in a String III Easy Solution
3 Word Pattern Easy Solution
2 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
2 Word Pattern II Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals Medium Solution
3 Backspace String Compare Easy Solution
3 Additive Number Medium Solution
2 Integer to English Words Hard Solution
2 Sliding Window Maximum Hard Solution
2 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
1 Two Out of Three Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
12 Number of 1 Bits Easy Solution
4 Word Ladder II Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
8 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution
6 Number of Islands Medium Solution
6 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
6 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard Solution
5 LRU Cache Hard Solution
4 The Maze Medium Solution
4 Basic Calculator II Medium Solution
4 Sliding Window Maximum Hard Solution
4 The Number of Weak Characters in the Game Medium Solution
3 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy Solution
3 Course Schedule II Medium Solution
3 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard Solution
3 Combination Sum Medium Solution
3 N-Queens Hard Solution
3 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
3 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
3 Sort List Medium Solution
3 Closest Dessert Cost Medium Solution
3 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
3 Basic Calculator Hard Solution

C3 IoT

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 Easy Solution
3 Daily Temperatures Medium Solution
3 Generate Parentheses Medium Solution
2 Sort Array by Increasing Frequency Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Divide a String Into Groups of Size k Easy Java

Capital One

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
18 License Key Formatting Medium Solution
14 Count Primes Easy Solution
13 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard Solution
4 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
3 Candy Crush Medium Solution
3 Integer to Roman Medium Solution
2 Rotating the Box Medium Solution
2 Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs Medium Solution
2 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
1 Four Divisors Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Maximum Erasure Value Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
16 Word Search II Hard Solution
16 Rotate Image Medium Solution
11 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
11 Expressive Words Medium Solution
9 Decode Ways Medium Solution
8 Validate IP Address Medium Solution
8 Decode String Medium Solution
6 House Robber Easy Solution
6 Maximum Difference Between Increasing Elements Easy Java
5 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
4 Number of 1 Bits Easy Solution
3 Top K Frequent Elements Medium Solution
3 Beautiful Arrangement Medium Solution
3 Unique Paths II Medium Solution
2 Coin Change 2 Medium Solution
2 First Bad Version Easy Solution
2 Maximum Population Year Easy Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
2 Find Pivot Index Easy Solution
2 Merge Intervals Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
8 Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 Easy Solution
5 Range Addition Medium Solution
4 Sliding Window Maximum Hard Solution
2 Transpose Matrix Easy Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Hard Solution
2 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution


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Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Find All Groups of Farmland Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Largest BST Subtree Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Count Vowel Substrings of a String Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Rank Teams by Votes Medium Solution
2 Wildcard Matching Hard Solution

Cruise Automation

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
9 Unique Paths II Medium Solution
5 Valid Sudoku Medium Solution, Javascript
3 Synonymous Sentences Medium Solution
3 The Skyline Problem Hard Solution
2 Product of the Last K Numbers Medium Solution
2 Car Pooling Medium Solution
2 Decode String Medium Solution
2 Palindrome Permutation II Medium Solution
2 Number of Islands Medium Solution

DE Shaw

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Freedom Trail Hard Solution
2 Sliding Window Maximum Hard Solution
1 Number of Substrings Containing All Three Characters Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Three Consecutive Odds Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero Medium Solution
1 Counting Elements Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
9 Design Hit Counter Medium Solution
2 Sparse Matrix Multiplication Medium Solution
2 First Missing Positive Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript

Deutsche Bank

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 The Time When the Network Becomes Idle Medium Java
1 Minimum Operations to Make the Array Increasing Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Find the Winner of an Array Game Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
5 Number of Islands Medium Solution
3 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
2 Implement Trie II (Prefix Tree) Medium Solution
2 Rectangle Overlap Easy Solution
2 Minesweeper Medium Solution
2 LRU Cache Hard Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
18 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard Solution
13 Buddy Strings Easy Solution
11 Walls and Gates Medium Solution
7 Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram Easy Solution
7 Asteroid Collision Medium Solution
7 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard Solution
6 Basic Calculator Hard Solution
5 Shortest Distance from All Buildings Hard Solution
5 Longest Common Subsequence Medium Solution
5 Number of Islands Medium Solution
4 Integer to English Words Hard Solution
4 Sudoku Solver Hard Solution
4 Design In-Memory File System Hard Solution
4 Car Pooling Medium Solution
3 Path Sum III Easy Solution
3 Jump Game Medium Solution
3 Jump Game II Hard Solution
3 Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y Coordinate Easy Solution
2 K-diff Pairs in an Array Easy Solution
2 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Set Intersection Size At Least Two Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
6 Find Duplicate File in System Medium Solution
5 Game of Life Medium Solution
2 Max Area of Island Medium Solution
2 Design Phone Directory Medium Solution
2 Number of Islands Medium Solution
1 Seat Reservation Manager Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get Medium Solution
2 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K Hard Solution
1 Stone Game VII Medium Solution
1 Ways to Make a Fair Array Medium Javascript


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Minimum Number of People to Teach Medium Solution

Epic Systems

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium Solution
2 Additive Number Medium Solution
1 Self Dividing Numbers Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
14 Reformat Date Easy Solution
14 Making File Names Unique Medium Solution
8 String Compression Easy Solution
7 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
7 Climbing Stairs Easy Solution
6 The kth Factor of n Medium Solution
6 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
5 Degree of an Array Easy Solution
5 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
4 Best Meeting Point Hard Solution
4 Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals Medium Solution
3 Integer to English Words Hard Solution
3 Maximum Difference Between Increasing Elements Easy Java
2 Move Zeroes Easy Solution
2 Number of Different Integers in a String Medium Solution
2 Palindromic Substrings Medium Solution
2 Find Pivot Index Easy Solution
2 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
2 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
1 Rearrange Words in a Sentence Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Find Three Consecutive Integers That Sum to a Given Number Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
282 Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses Medium Solution
252 Valid Palindrome II Easy Solution
188 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal Medium Solution
180 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium Solution
162 Pow(x, n) Medium Solution
156 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III Medium Solution
149 Range Sum of BST Medium Solution
141 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
140 Random Pick with Weight Medium Solution
140 Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium Solution
127 K Closest Points to Origin Easy Solution
121 Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors Easy Solution
118 Basic Calculator II Medium Solution
114 Valid Word Abbreviation Easy Solution
112 Simplify Path Medium Solution
110 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
108 Binary Tree Right Side View Medium Solution
100 Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid Medium Solution
100 Nested List Weight Sum Easy Solution
97 Top K Frequent Elements Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Maximal Square Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
7 Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch Easy Solution
4 Car Pooling Medium Solution
3 Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get Medium Solution
3 Jump Game Medium Solution
2 Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted Medium Solution
2 Maximum Length of Pair Chain Medium Solution

Gilt Groupe

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Add One Row to Tree Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Battleships in a Board Medium Solution
2 LRU Cache Hard Solution

Goldman Sachs

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
38 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
20 Height Checker Easy Solution
18 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard Solution, C++
12 High Five Easy Solution
11 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
11 Delete and Earn Medium Solution
9 Find Pivot Index Easy Solution
7 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
7 Count Number of Teams Medium Solution
6 String Compression Easy Solution
6 LRU Cache Hard Solution
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium Solution
5 Fraction Addition and Subtraction Medium Solution
4 Elimination Game Medium Solution
4 Find the Winner of the Circular Game Medium Solution
4 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
4 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
4 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements Easy Solution
4 First Unique Character in a String Easy Solution
3 Minimum Path Sum Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
75 Find Leaves of Binary Tree Medium Solution
73 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Medium Solution
44 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
36 Snapshot Array Easy Javascript
30 Stock Price Fluctuation Medium Java
30 Minimum Time Difference Medium Solution
28 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
27 Random Pick with Weight Medium Solution
24 Text Justification Hard Solution
22 Meeting Rooms II Medium Solution
22 Happy Number Easy Solution
22 Logger Rate Limiter Easy Solution
21 Number of Islands Medium Solution
19 First Bad Version Easy Solution
19 Decode String Medium Solution
17 Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards Medium Solution
15 Unique Paths Medium Solution
15 Number of Matching Subsequences Medium Solution
15 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
14 Student Attendance Record II Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Bulb Switcher III Medium Solution
3 Sort Colors Medium Solution
2 Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero Medium Solution
2 Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero Easy Solution
2 Brick Wall Medium Solution
2 First Missing Positive Hard Solution
1 Minimum Number of Buckets Required to Collect Rainwater from Houses Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Short Encoding of Words Medium Solution
2 Sliding Window Median Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
7 Equal Sum Arrays With Minimum Number of Operations Medium Solution
3 24 Game Hard Solution
3 Find Peak Element Binary Search Solution
1 Detect Pattern of Length M Repeated K or More Times Easy Solution
1 Maximum 69 Number Easy Solution
1 Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero Integers Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Minimum Distance to the Target Element Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Asteroid Collision Medium Solution
2 Keys and Rooms Easy Solution
2 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
8 Gas Station Medium Solution
8 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
6 Most Visited Sector in a Circular Track Easy Solution
6 Backspace String Compare Easy Solution
4 Water Bottles Easy Solution
3 Degree of an Array Easy Solution
3 Maximal Square Medium Solution
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
2 Move Zeroes Easy Solution
2 Group Anagrams Medium Solution

IIT Bombay

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Score After Flipping Matrix Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Count Artifacts That Can Be Extracted Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Design Snake Game Medium Solution
1 Find the Derangement of An Array Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
25 Subdomain Visit Count Easy Solution
9 Word Search Medium Solution
8 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Medium Solution
6 Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters Easy Solution
4 Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period Medium Solution
3 Text Justification Hard Solution
3 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution
2 Merge Sorted Array Easy Solution
1 Sum of Even Numbers After Queries Easy Solution
1 Binary Tree Tilt Easy Solution

Info Edge

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical Points Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Maximum Product Subarray Medium Solution
2 Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits Easy Solution
2 Score of Parentheses Medium Solution
2 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
2 4 Sum Medium Solution
2 3Sum Medium Solution, C++


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
3 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
2 Reverse String Easy Solution
2 Sort Colors Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
8 LRU Cache Hard Solution
6 Unique Email Addresses Easy Solution
4 Sudoku Solver Hard Solution
3 Boats to Save People Medium Solution
2 Delete Nodes And Return Forest Medium Solution
2 Subdomain Visit Count Easy Solution
2 Decode String Medium Solution
2 Palindrome Linked List Easy Solution
2 Reverse Linked List Easy Solution
2 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
2 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
2 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
2 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
69 Reconstruct Original Digits from English Medium Solution
8 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
5 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
3 Even Odd Tree Medium Solution
3 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
3 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
2 Maximum Units on a Truck Easy Solution
2 Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum Easy Solution
2 Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended Medium Solution
2 Minimum Absolute Difference Easy Solution
2 Intersection of Two Arrays Easy Solution
2 Counting Bits Medium Solution
2 Paint Fence Easy Solution
2 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
1 Determine Color of a Chessboard Square Easy Solution

Jane Street

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Count Common Words With One Occurrence Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Minimum Moves to Convert String Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
40 Subdomain Visit Count Easy Solution
17 Word Search Medium Solution
16 Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period Medium Solution
16 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Medium Solution
12 Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters Easy Solution
10 Text Justification Hard Solution
5 Word Search II Hard Solution
4 Check if Every Row and Column Contains All Numbers Easy Java
4 Course Schedule II Medium Solution
4 Number of Islands Medium Solution
3 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium Solution
3 Valid Sudoku Medium Solution, Javascript
2 Longest Common Subsequence Medium Solution

Leap Motion

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Generate Random Point in a Circle Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
71 Shortest Word Distance II Medium Solution
48 Nested List Weight Sum II Medium Solution
43 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
34 Nested List Weight Sum Easy Solution
33 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
33 Max Stack Hard Solution
29 Maximum Product Subarray Medium Solution
26 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II Hard Solution
21 Can Place Flowers Easy Solution
18 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard Solution
18 Text Justification Hard Solution
18 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Easy Solution
17 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
17 All O`one Data Structure Hard Solution
16 Number of Islands Medium Solution
15 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium Solution
14 Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium Solution
13 Find Leaves of Binary Tree Medium Solution
11 Shortest Word Distance Easy Solution
11 Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Minesweeper Medium Solution
3 Spiral Matrix Medium Solution
1 Longest Harmonious Subsequence Easy Solution
1 Distribute Candies Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
9 Minimum Window Substring Hard Solution
8 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times Hard Solution
7 Time Based Key-Value Store Medium Solution
7 Decode Ways Medium Solution
4 Asteroid Collision Medium Solution
4 Water and Jug Problem Medium Solution
4 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable Medium Solution
4 Word Ladder Hard Solution
2 Max Stack Hard Solution
2 Read N Characters Given Read4 Easy Solution

MAQ Software

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Unique Substrings in Wraparound String Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Remove All Occurrences of a Substring Medium Solution
2 Remove K Digits Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
5 Coin Change Medium Solution
5 Fraction to Recurring Decimal Medium Solution
3 Degree of an Array Easy Solution
3 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements Easy Solution
3 Distinct Subsequences Hard Solution
2 Keyboard Row Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Crawler Log Folder Easy Solution
1 Max Difference You Can Get From Changing an Integer Medium Solution
1 Minimum Subsequence in Non-Increasing Order Easy Solution
1 Count Largest Group Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
52 LRU Cache Hard Solution
45 Sign of the Product of an Array Easy Solution
42 Number of Islands Medium Solution
39 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
34 Reverse Words in a String Medium Solution
29 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
29 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
26 Spiral Matrix Medium Solution
24 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
22 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
22 Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero Easy Solution
20 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
20 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium Solution
20 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard Solution
18 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium Solution
17 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
17 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution
17 Cinema Seat Allocation Medium Solution
16 First Missing Positive Hard Solution
16 String to Integer (atoi) Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Maximum Frequency Stack Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Count Integers With Even Digit Sum Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Redistribute Characters to Make All Strings Equal Easy Solution

Morgan Stanley

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard Solution
3 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
2 LRU Cache Hard Solution
2 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
2 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
1 Best Team With No Conflicts Medium Solution

National Instruments

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Rotating the Box Medium Solution
3 Logger Rate Limiter Easy Solution
2 Reconstruct Itinerary Medium Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
2 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Subrectangle Queries Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Compare Version Numbers Easy Solution
2 Sudoku Solver Hard Solution
1 Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
8 Last Stone Weight Easy Solution
4 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard Solution
4 Regular Expression Matching Hard Java, Javascript
3 Design Circular Queue Medium Solution
3 Number of Islands Medium Solution
3 Valid Sudoku Medium Solution, Javascript
3 Sort Colors Medium Solution
3 LRU Cache Hard Solution
3 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy Solution
3 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Hard Solution
3 Lonely Pixel I Medium Solution
2 Degree of an Array Easy Solution
2 Add and Search Word - Data structure design Medium Solution
2 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
2 Missing Number nan Solution
2 K Empty Slots Hard Solution
2 Search a 2D Matrix Medium Solution
2 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
2 Single Element in a Sorted Array Medium Solution
2 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Reducing Dishes Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
10 Game of Life Medium Solution
3 Design Excel Sum Formula Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Reverse Prefix of Word Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
13 LRU Cache Hard Solution
13 Meeting Rooms II Medium Solution
9 Number of Islands Medium Solution
7 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
7 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium Solution
7 Top K Frequent Elements Medium Solution
6 Decode String Medium Solution
6 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
6 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
5 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
5 First Unique Character in a String Easy Solution
4 Delete Node in a BST Medium Solution
4 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium Solution
4 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
4 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
4 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy Solution
4 Add Strings Easy Solution
4 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
4 Product of Array Except Self Medium Solution
4 Merge Intervals Medium Solution

Palantir Technologies

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 UTF-8 Validation Medium Solution
1 Check If It Is a Straight Line Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Distribute Candies to People Easy Solution
2 Reverse Words in a String III Easy Solution
2 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Happy Number Easy Solution
3 Number of Islands Medium Solution
3 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
3 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard Solution, C++
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
2 Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses Medium Solution
2 Squares of a Sorted Array Easy Solution
2 LRU Cache Hard Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
2 ZigZag Conversion Easy Solution
2 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Distribute Coins in Binary Tree Medium Solution
1 Simple Bank System Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Parallel Courses III Hard Java
3 Find the Celebrity Medium Solution
2 Accounts Merge Medium Solution
2 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph Medium Solution
2 Word Pattern II Hard Solution
2 Alien Dictionary nan Solution
2 Clone Graph Medium Solution

Pocket Gems

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Print Words Vertically Medium Solution
1 Determine if Two Strings Are Close Medium Solution

Pure Storage

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Maximum Repeating Substring Easy Solution
2 Valid Square Medium Java, Javascript


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Reverse Bits Easy Solution
2 Middle of the Linked List Easy Solution
2 Find the Duplicate Number Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
7 Word Break Medium Solution
6 Word Ladder Hard Solution
5 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
4 Max Area of Island Medium Solution
4 Binary Tree Right Side View Medium Solution
4 Unique Paths II Medium Solution
4 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
3 First Unique Character in a String Easy Solution
3 Number of Islands Medium Solution
2 Sort Integers by The Power Value Medium Solution
2 Fixed Point Easy Solution
2 Summary Ranges Medium Solution
2 Longest Consecutive Sequence Hard Solution
2 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium Solution
2 Jump Game Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums Hard Solution
3 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
3 Longest Common Prefix Easy Solution
2 Sliding Window Maximum Hard Solution
1 Range Frequency Queries Medium Java
1 Maximum Number of Words You Can Type Easy Solution
1 Substrings of Size Three with Distinct Characters Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Sum of Floored Pairs Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Subsets Medium Solution
3 Text Justification Hard Solution
3 Combination Sum II Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 String Compression Easy Solution
3 String to Integer (atoi) Medium Solution

Riot Games

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Teemo Attacking Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
8 Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period Medium Solution
7 Course Schedule II Medium Solution
3 Insert Intervals Hard Solution
1 Count Good Meals Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
5 Design Browser History Medium Solution
5 Course Schedule II Medium Solution
4 Minimum Falling Path Sum II Hard Solution
2 Number of Matching Subsequences Medium Solution
2 Find Peak Element Binary Search Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
5 Snapshot Array Easy Javascript
4 Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table Hard Solution
4 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
2 Task Scheduler Medium Solution
2 Majority Element Easy Solution
2 Read N Characters Given Read4 Easy Solution
2 Edit Distance Hard Solution
2 Rotate Image Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Find Kth Bit in Nth Binary String Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
9 Monotone Increasing Digits Medium Solution
4 Number of Islands Medium Solution
3 Longest Common Prefix Easy Solution
2 Prison Cells After N Days Medium Solution
2 Count Primes Easy Solution
2 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
1 Maximum Students Taking Exam Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
19 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
10 LRU Cache Hard Solution
7 Maximum Product of Three Numbers Easy Solution
6 Largest Number Medium Solution
6 Number of Islands Medium Solution
6 Sliding Window Maximum Hard Solution
6 Zuma Game Hard Solution
5 Boats to Save People Medium Solution
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
3 Min Stack Easy Solution
3 Course Schedule II Medium Solution
3 Maximal Square Medium Solution
3 Construct the Lexicographically Largest Valid Sequence Medium Solution
3 Integer to English Words Hard Solution
3 Sort Colors Medium Solution
3 Design In-Memory File System Hard Solution
3 Design HashMap Easy Solution
3 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
3 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
3 Minimum Absolute Difference Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
2 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable Medium Solution
2 Reorder List Medium Solution
2 Reverse Integer Easy Solution, C++
2 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
2 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
1 Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard Solution, C++
3 Number of Islands Medium Solution
3 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium Solution
3 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
3 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
2 Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 Easy Solution
2 Rectangle Overlap Easy Solution
2 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
2 Palindrome Linked List Easy Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
2 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
2 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
2 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
5 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
4 Merge Sorted Array Easy Solution
4 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
3 Palindrome Pairs Hard Solution
3 Number of Islands Medium Solution
3 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Medium Solution
3 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy Solution
2 LRU Cache Hard Solution
2 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
7 Word Search Medium Solution
5 Decode String Medium Solution
5 Sparse Matrix Multiplication Medium Solution
5 Evaluate Division Medium Solution
5 Word Search II Hard Solution
5 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
4 Find Peak Element Binary Search Solution
4 Implement Trie Medium Solution
4 Word Ladder Hard Solution
3 Add Binary Easy Solution
3 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard Solution
3 Basic Calculator II Medium Solution
3 LRU Cache Hard Solution
3 Word Break II Hard Solution
3 Word Ladder II Hard Solution
3 Shortest Path in Binary Matrix Medium Solution
3 Android Unlock Patterns Medium Solution
3 Subarray Sums Divisible by K Medium Solution
3 LFU Cache Hard Solution
3 The Maze Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Second Largest Digit in a String Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Reducing Dishes Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
16 Moving Average from Data Stream Easy Solution
13 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
10 Ransom Note Easy Solution
10 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
8 Valid Anagram Easy Solution
8 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
6 Analyze User Website Visit Pattern Medium Solution
4 Sliding Window Median Hard Solution
4 Linked List Cycle Easy Solution
4 Balanced Binary Tree Easy Solution
4 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy Solution
3 Longest Consecutive Sequence Hard Solution
2 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III Medium Solution
2 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Max Points on a Line Hard Solution
2 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard Solution
2 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution
1 Next Greater Numerically Balanced Number Medium Java
1 Maximum Subarray Sum After One Operation Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Design Snake Game Medium Solution
3 Text Justification Hard Solution
2 Rank Teams by Votes Medium Solution
2 Available Captures for Rook Easy Solution
2 Unique Morse Code Words Easy Solution
2 The Maze Medium Solution
2 Number of Islands Medium Solution
2 Minimum Path Sum Medium Solution
1 Squirrel Simulation Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium Solution
2 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III Medium Solution
2 K Closest Points to Origin Easy Solution
2 Decode String Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Container With Most Water Medium Solution
3 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium Solution
2 Rabbits in Forest Medium Solution

T System

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Grid Game Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Find Greatest Common Divisor of Array Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Minimum Factorization Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Largest Perimeter Triangle Easy Solution
3 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
2 Minimum Changes To Make Alternating Binary String Easy Solution
2 Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game Easy Solution
2 Spiral Matrix III Medium Solution
2 Basic Calculator II Medium Solution
2 Jump Game II Hard Solution
2 Generate Parentheses Medium Solution
2 3Sum Medium Solution, C++


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Vowel Spellchecker Medium Solution

Tiger Analytics

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Find Closest Number to Zero Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
3 Reformat Phone Number Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Easy Solution
2 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard Solution
2 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
7 LRU Cache Hard Solution
5 Course Schedule II Medium Solution
3 Subarray Sums Divisible by K Medium Solution
3 Sliding Window Maximum Hard Solution
3 Text Justification Hard Solution
3 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
2 Sort Array by Increasing Frequency Easy Solution
2 Knight Dialer Medium Solution
2 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
7 Battleships in a Board Medium Solution
2 Number of Islands Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
23 Word Search Medium Solution
10 Finding the Users Active Minutes Medium Solution
7 Design Hit Counter Medium Solution
6 Tweet Counts Per Frequency Medium Solution
6 Implement Trie Medium Solution
5 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium Solution
5 Word Search II Hard Solution
5 Design Log Storage System Medium Solution
4 Paint House Medium Solution
4 Reconstruct Itinerary Medium Solution
3 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements Easy Solution
3 Subsets Medium Solution
3 Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium Solution
3 Rearrange String k Distance Apart Hard Solution
3 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
3 Accounts Merge Medium Solution
2 Random Pick with Weight Medium Solution
2 Design Search Autocomplete System Hard Solution
2 Palindromic Substrings Medium Solution
2 Maximum Frequency Stack Hard Solution

Two Sigma

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree Medium Solution
4 Multiply Strings Medium Solution
2 Top K Frequent Words Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
36 Word Search II Hard Solution
17 Word Search Medium Solution
17 Top K Frequent Words Medium Solution
14 Evaluate Division Medium Solution
14 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
14 Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit Medium Solution
13 Random Pick with Weight Medium Solution
12 Dungeon Game Hard Solution
11 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
11 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium Solution
10 Leftmost Column with at Least a One Medium Solution
10 Reconstruct Itinerary Medium Solution
9 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium Solution
8 Product of Array Except Self Medium Solution
8 Optimal Account Balancing Hard Solution
7 Construct K Palindrome Strings Medium Solution
7 Number of Islands Medium Solution
7 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
7 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium Solution
7 Minesweeper Medium Solution

United Health Group

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Check If All 1's Are at Least Length K Places Away Medium Solution
1 Day of the Week Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
5 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
5 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
5 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
4 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
4 Course Schedule II Medium Solution
4 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution
4 Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree Medium Solution
4 Rotting Oranges Medium Solution
3 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
3 Max Stack Hard Solution
3 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
3 Number of Islands Medium Solution
3 Sort Colors Medium Solution
2 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy Solution
2 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard Solution
2 Search Insert Position Easy Solution
2 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
2 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard Solution, C++
2 Rearrange Words in a Sentence Medium Solution
2 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Dota2 Senate Medium Solution

Virtu Financial

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Hexspeak Easy Solution
2 Array Transformation Easy Solution
2 How Many Apples Can You Put into the Basket Easy Solution
2 Count Substrings with Only One Distinct Letter Easy Solution
1 Count Number of Homogenous Substrings Medium Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
11 Last Stone Weight Easy Solution
6 Maximal Square Medium Solution
4 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
4 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
4 String Compression Easy Solution
3 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
3 Backspace String Compare Easy Solution
3 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements Easy Solution
3 Meeting Rooms II Medium Solution
3 Linked List Cycle Easy Solution
3 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
2 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
2 Reverse Integer Easy Solution, C++
2 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution
2 Reverse Words in a String Medium Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
2 Longest Consecutive Sequence Hard Solution
2 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II Medium Solution
2 Largest Number Medium Solution
1 Create Target Array in the Given Order Easy Solution

Walmart Global Tech

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
9 Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same Color Medium Java
7 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
5 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
5 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
5 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
4 Strange Printer Hard Solution
4 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy Solution
4 LRU Cache Hard Solution
3 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
3 Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium Solution
3 Generate Parentheses Medium Solution
3 Gas Station Medium Solution
3 Design HashMap Easy Solution
3 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
3 Degree of an Array Easy Solution
2 Maximum Subarray Easy Solution
2 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard Solution, C++
2 Reformat Date Easy Solution
2 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
20 Add Strings Easy Solution
9 Subdomain Visit Count Easy Solution
7 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Medium Solution
5 Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period Medium Solution
4 The Number of Full Rounds You Have Played Medium Solution
4 Course Schedule II Medium Solution
3 Valid Sudoku Medium Solution, Javascript
2 Max Chunks To Make Sorted Medium Solution
2 Valid Palindrome Easy Solution
1 Minimum Moves to Reach Target Score Medium Java
1 Delete Characters to Make Fancy String Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram II Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Find Right Interval Medium Solution

Works Applications

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 K Inverse Pairs Array Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
6 Add Two Numbers Medium Solution
5 Restore IP Addresses Medium Solution
5 3Sum Medium Solution, C++
4 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
4 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
4 Top K Frequent Words Medium Solution
4 Roman to Integer Easy Solution
4 Intersection of Two Arrays II Easy Solution
3 Find All Anagrams in a String Easy Solution
3 Climbing Stairs Easy Solution
3 Pow(x, n) Medium Solution
3 First Unique Character in a String Easy Solution
3 LRU Cache Hard Solution
3 Merge Two Binary Trees Easy Solution
3 Valid Parenthesis String Medium Solution
2 Divide Two Integers Medium Solution
2 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
2 One Edit Distance nan Solution
2 4 Sum Medium Solution
2 Palindrome Number Easy Java, C++


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
8 Maximize Distance to Closest Person Easy Solution
6 Move Zeroes Easy Solution
6 Zigzag Iterator Medium Solution
6 Summary Ranges Medium Solution
4 Permutation in String Medium Solution
4 Merge Intervals Medium Solution
3 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
3 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard Solution
3 Reverse Linked List Easy Solution
3 Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element Medium Solution
3 Is Subsequence Medium Solution
3 String Compression Easy Solution
3 Max Stack Hard Solution
3 Number of Recent Calls Easy Solution
2 Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time Easy Solution
2 Line Reflection Medium Solution
2 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Medium Solution
2 Valid Palindrome Easy Solution
2 Reverse Words in a String III Easy Solution
2 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard Solution, C++


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
5 Destination City Easy Solution
4 Filter Restaurants by Vegan-Friendly, Price and Distance Medium Solution
1 Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Day of the Year Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree Medium Solution
1 N-Queens II Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Spiral Matrix Medium Solution
2 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript
2 K-diff Pairs in an Array Easy Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
2 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Solution, C++
1 Sort Even and Odd Indices Independently Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Rotate String Easy Solution
3 Fibonacci Number Easy Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
2 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard Solution
2 Two Sum Easy Java, C++, Javascript


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Reverse Nodes in Even Length Groups Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Group Anagrams Medium Solution
3 Reorganize String Medium Solution
2 Rotating the Box Medium Solution
2 Candy Crush Medium Solution
2 Odd Even Linked List Medium Solution
2 Implement Queue using Stacks Medium Solution
2 Number of Islands Medium Solution
2 Longest Consecutive Sequence Hard Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Calculate Money in Leetcode Bank Easy Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Check if Every Row and Column Contains All Numbers Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
2 Jump Game II Hard Solution
1 Count Operations to Obtain Zero Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Coordinate With Maximum Network Quality Medium Solution

persistent systems

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number Easy Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Two Best Non-Overlapping Events Medium Java


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
4 Move Zeroes Easy Solution
3 Reverse String Easy Solution
2 Contains Duplicate Easy Solution
2 Rotate Array Easy Solution
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Solution
2 Valid Parentheses Easy Solution
1 Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum Easy Solution
1 Palindrome Partitioning IV Hard Solution


[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
13 Design a Stack With Increment Operation Medium Solution
10 Reformat Date Easy Solution
8 Maximum Swap Medium Solution
7 Course Schedule Medium Solution
6 LRU Cache Hard Solution
6 Split Array Largest Sum Hard Solution
6 Number of Islands Medium Solution
6 Spiral Matrix II Medium Solution
6 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard Solution
5 Gas Station Medium Solution
5 Decode String Medium Solution
5 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium Solution
5 Asteroid Collision Medium Solution
5 Walls and Gates Medium Solution
5 Roman to Integer Easy Solution
4 Path Sum III Easy Solution
4 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Solution
4 Count Complete Tree Nodes Medium Solution
4 Evaluate Division Medium Solution
4 3Sum Medium Solution, C++

zeta suite

[back to top]

Occurence Problem Difficulty Solution
1 Count Equal and Divisible Pairs in an Array Easy Java


Lists of company wise questions available on leetcode premium. Every csv file in the companies directory corresponds to a list of questions on leetcode for a specific company based on the leetcode company tags. Updated as of May, 2022.







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