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13 Commits

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A newbie Git guide.

###Git Basics :-

1. Git Configuration :-

Configuring User Details Git :-
    1. System level     :-  git config --system gituser
    2. User level       :-  git config --global gituser
    3. Repository level :-  git config gituser
Configuring Editor for writing Commit Messages :-
    git config --global core.editor 'subl -n -w'
    git config --global core.editor 'vim -w'
    git config --global core.editor 'atom -w'
Settings :-
1. Checking Your Settings :-
    git config --list

output:- user

2. Checking Settings by Key :-
    git config {key}

2. Getting A Git Repo :-

1. Converting An Existing Repo Into Git Repo :-Goto that Root Directory and run the following command
        git init.
2. Cloning an Existing Repository :-
        git clone {repo link}

3. Staging Modified Files :-

git add {filname(s)}

4. Unstaging Staged Files :-

git HEAD reset {filname(s)}

5. Seeing the changes in Unstaged Files :-

git diff

6. Seeing the changes in Staged Files :-

git diff --staged

7. Commiting Staged Files :-

git commit -m "{commit message}"

git commit -m "Intial Commit"

8. Seeing File Changes introduced due to Commits :-

git show {commit hash}

git show 085b24d749c5376b7e022dbc83b6a05d0783bb97

9. Changing Commit message of previous Commits :-

1. Changing the Commit Message of the latest commit on the branch

   git commit --amend -m "Modified Commit Message"

2. Changing the Commit Message of the commits other than latest commit

   git rebase -i <commit-to-change>~

   This will fire up an editor. Replace pick with edit on the correct commit entry, save and exit. Then:

   git commit --amend -m "New commit message"

   git rebase --continue

####10. Removing Files :-

1. Removing Files and adding them to staging area

   git rm filename

2. Removing a staged file

   git rm filename -f

3. Making a file untracked but keeping it in hard drive.

   git rm --cached filename

####11. Moving Files :-

1. It will move one file to another another file and it will add it to
   staging area.

    git mv filename filename2

####12. Viewing the Commit History :-

1. git log

--> it will lists the commits made in the repository.

2. git log -p -n

--> It will show the difference introduced in each commit till lat "n" commits.

3. git log --stat

--> It will show abbreviated stats for each commit.

4. git log --pretty=oneline

--> It will display commit SHA and commit message.

5. git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"

--> It will display custom log messages.

Options for git log --pretty=format :-

    Option  Description of Output
    %H      Commit hash

    %h      Abbreviated commit hash

    %T      Tree hash

    %t      Abbreviated tree hash

    %P      Parent hashes

    %p      Abbreviated parent hashes

    %an     Author name

    %ae     Author email

    %ad     Author date (format respects the --date=option)

    %ar     Author date, relative

    %cn     Committer name

    %ce     Committer email

    %cd     Committer date

    %cr     Committer date, relative

    %s      Subject

Common options to git log :-


        Show the patch introduced with each commit.


        Show statistics for files modified in each commit.


        Display only the changed/insertions/deletions line from the --stat command.


        Show the list of files modified after the commit information.


        Show the list of files affected with added/modified/deleted information as well.


        Show only the first few characters of the SHA-1 checksum instead of all 40.


        Display the date in a relative format (for example, “2 weeks ago”) instead of using the full date format.


        Display an ASCII graph of the branch and merge history beside the log output.


        Show commits in an alternate format. Options include oneline, short, full, fuller, and format (where you specify your own format).

Options to limit the output of git log :-


    Show only the last n commits

    --since, --after

    Limit the commits to those made after the specified date.

    --until, --before

    Limit the commits to those made before the specified date.


    Only show commits in which the author entry matches the specified string.


    Only show commits in which the committer entry matches the specified string.


    Only show commits with a commit message containing the string


    Only show commits adding or removing code matching the string


A newbie gitguide







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