The source code for The Immortal Battle for Ohio, free.
- Have a PraxisMapper instance setup and running. See the documentation on the PraxisMapper repo for details.
- Copy the PraxisCreatureCollectorPlugin DLL to the plugins folder in PraxisMapper, then restart the server, hit the /Creature/Test endpoint, and restart the server again to make sure all initialization stuff has been done server-side.
- Install Solar2D on your computer
- Get the source code for this app
- Edit gameSettings.lua with the important bits of info
- Set serverURL to the URL of your server when the game is running on a device. This usually requires an SSL connection.
- Set serverSimulatorURL to the URL to use when you're in the Solar2D Simulator enviroment. This is usually expected to be localhost on a dev server, but could be a live server with SSL.
- If you have enableHeaderCheck set to true in PraxisMappper, change headerAuthKey here to match serverAuthKey in your PraxisMapper appsettings.json file
- (Optional) set locationName to the name of the area you're covering in your server.
- (Optional) set your 4 default ProxyPlay points with a name, description and 10-digit PlusCode, leaving out the +.
The code presented here (settings and .lua files) are under the MIT license. Graphics are released under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.