GeoDataLogger is a software designed for synchronized recording of sensor data from GNSS, IMU, magnetometers, and more. Its core functionalities encompass: synchronized recording of sensor data from GNSS, IMU, magnetometers, data visualization, format conversion, exportation, and uploading. Users can also export recorded GNSS data into RINEX format for convenient subsequent processing and analysis.
-> Raw GNSS data and RINEX logs.
-> Accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer sensor data.
-> sensor_log.ard: Accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer sensor data file.
-> gnss_log.ard: Raw GNSS data file.
-> gnss_log.obs: GNSS RINEX file.
-> gnss_log.pos: Position file.
These files are stored locally and can be used for scientific research or personal projects of interest.
Only the aforementioned four types of files are uploaded, without storing personal information such as usernames or emails. Users have full autonomy in selecting which files to upload and can preview them before making a decision.
The files are uploaded to the GeoDataLogger server and utilized for geoscience research based on crowdsourced sensor data, including earthquake monitoring, atmospheric monitoring like water vapor inversions and ionospheric disturbances.
-> Set Sampling Rate: Allows users to customize the data sampling interval based on their needs.
-> Data Collection: Click the \Start\ button to initiate data collection and file generation. Users can view the real-time file size.
-> Stop Collection: Click \Stop\ to halt data collection and file generation. The \ Re-collect\ button becomes available.
-> Re-collect: Click \Re-collect\ to generate new files and resume data collection.
-> Data Upload: Click \Data Upload\ to access the upload interface, where users can select files for uploading.
-> Upload via WIFI Setting: Provides an option to upload only when connected to WIFI, avoiding unnecessary data usage.
-> Real-time Upload Setting: Enables automatic upload upon completion of data collection.
-> Scheduled Upload Setting: Allows users to set a specific time for data upload.
GeoDataLogger APP is developed by Pride Lab, Wuhan University. Homepage: You can contact us for bug reports and feedback by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].