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These are nix utils that help to assemble your own neovim package. Neovim can be organized into editions with simple inheritance of the configuration.

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Table of Contents


Add following to the flake inputs:

neovim-nix-utils = {
  url = "github:PrimaMateria/neovim-nix-utils";
  inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";


(neovim-nix-utils.lib.${system}.init {
  neovimPackage = pkgs.neovim;
  editionsDir = ./packages/neovim;
  editionsSet = root.packages.neovim;
}).assembleNeovim { name = "neovimEditionName"}

The init function takes the following parameters:

  • neovimPackage - the Neovim package that will be used. The Neovim-nightly-overlay package can be passed here.
  • editionsDir - is the root directory where all editions are stored. From this directory, the configuration files will be loaded.
  • editionsSet - an attribute set where the attribute key is the name of the edition and the attribute value is the edition specification.

The assembleNeovim function takes one parameter, and that is a name of the edition it should assemble. The return value is the Nix package containing configured neovim.

Editions Directory

The editions directory contains a subdirectory for each edition that has a directory named __config. Inside the __config directory, there can be four optional directories.

  • lua/ - contains Lua Neovim configuration scripts
  • vim/ - contains Lua Vim configuration scripts
  • luanix/ - contains Nix files, where each is a function that returns a string containing Lua Neovim configuration script
  • vimnix/ - contains Nix files, where each is a function that returns a string containing Vim Neovim configuration script

Editions Set

The editions set contains an attribute for each edition. The value of the attribute follows the following schema:

   manifest = { name = "editionName"; basedOn = "parentEdition"; };
   plugins = [ package ];
   dependencies = [ package ];
   dependenciesEnd = [ package ];
   treesitterPlugins = treesitterPlugins: [ package ];
   envVars = {MY_ENV_VAR = "foo";} 
  • manifest (required) - edition metadata
    • name (required) - name of the edition
    • basedOn (optional) - name of the edition from which configuration will be inherited
  • plugins (optional) - list of plugin packages
  • dependencies (optional) - list of runtime dependencies that will be available in Neovim's runtime
  • dependenciesEnd (optional) - list of Node and Python dependencies (this is a workaround for an issue with symlink derivation where Node and Python packages must be specified last, otherwise they will be ignored)
  • treesitterPlugins (optional) - a callback for nixpkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.withPlugins. It is a function that takes a parameter, an attribute set with available treesitter plugins, and returns a list of chosen treesitter plugins that should be installed.
  • envVars (optional) - an attribute set where the key is the environment variable name and the value is the value. These variables will be passed when starting Neovim.


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Nix utils helping to assemble your own neovim editions.






