Flutter implementation of Poker.
- Start round
- Set blinds
- Set number of players
Deal hands
Deal flop
Deal turn
Deal river
Calculate winner/winning hands
Pay winner/winning hands
Calculate pot total
Cycle actions
Identify live/folded hands
Raise pot
End round. Reset deck, Reset hands Reset pot Move
- Outcome
- Probability of winning
- What's my hand
- What
final state = {
blind: 100,
players: [],
seatButtonNumber: 0,
round: {
status: ante | preflop | flop | turn | river,
round: [
players: [
player: {
Count num of players Collect blinds Identify button position Deal cards
Small blind action Action moves left until button closes round with their action
Small blind action Action moves left until button closes round with their action
Small blind action Action moves left until button closes round with their action
Small blind action Action moves left until button closes round with their action
Back to ante.
Back to again.
[x] Find high card winning hand.
[x] Find pair winning hand.
[x] Find two pair winning hand.
[x] Find trips winning hand.
[x] Find straight winning hand.
[x] Find flush winning hand.
[x] Find full house winning hand.
[x] Find quads winning hand.
[x] Find straight flush winning hand.
[x] Find royal flush winning hand.
[x] Find pushes in the winning hands.
[ ] Take ante from each player.
[ ] Add raise.
[ ] Add call.
[ ] Add fold.
[ ] Split pot between winning hands.
[ ] Split pot between pushed hands.
[ ] Split pot between all in players.
[ ] Add button.
[ ] Move button after round.
[ ] Prompt winning hands when push.
[ ] Show probability of winning hands on each round.